Have you ever wondered what the Lord really means when Jesus spoke in Matt 6:26? He says "Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not; neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?"
I realised that our Father in heaven is indeed AWESOME! In March this year, I had the wonderful journey of observing these little cute birds (papa & mama, I suppose) in their process of building a nest from the scatch!
12/3/2012 : This is the beginning of the first few strands of little twigs...they began their weaving from the yellow clothes peg outside our balcony!

About 2 months later, the full nest has been weaved! Awesome...Look at the well defined hole they weaved from those dried leaves and twigs! This photo is taken on 13/5/2012.
With the reverse of the I-phone camera, I took this photo - the hole was facing away from my window. I took a little peek inside...heh heh...no eggs yet.......
Here is the little youtube video clip I did this morning. Videos taken over the last 2 months that would make your heart smile! Indeed, it brought great joy to my soul and day!
My discovery of this little nest back in March this year was "pegged" with humor. For a while I was wondering why the birds flew near to my window whenever I played my keyboard. At first I thought they were attracted to my playing. Then one day, I decided to stand up and bend forward - an lo and behold, the mystery of attraction was solved! It was not my music, it was simply because they found a place to nest - against my clothes peg!
It took them about 2 months to complete their 'weaving project". My journey over the last 2 months was full of cheap thrill and joy as I eagerly peeped to see their progress. Last Sunday 13/5, I was awed by these tiny little birds! How in the world could they have used their little beaks and formed such a wonderful well trimmed hole in the nest! I wondered ! and was full of wonder!
I was reminded of Matt 6:26. Yes, I have always read this verse. But not until today - yes, today - did this revelation of how our Heavenly Father reminded me of "beholding" such a fowl of the air came to greater light! Indeed, if He could create the birds like this to weave such a wonderful nest with their small light frame bit by bit with their beak with twigs and old leaves, day by day, step by step - in faithfulness, how much more valuable indeed are we humans?
Why worry? Oh yes - indeed 1 Peter 5:7 exhorts us to cast all our cares upon Him, for He cares for us. As I behold these 2 little birds, I came to a realisation that indeed, we humans at times tend to care too much about the world.
This nesting journey has brought such joy to me. I am eagerly now waiting for the laying of eggs. Until then...my next Youtube! The song embedded "I would die for you" By Mercyme - is such a wonderful song . Yes, And I know I can find you there for you promised me You'll always be there!
Dedicating this particular blog and video to many of my friends and loved ones whom I know who are going through hard times...some undergoing through cancer treatments due to recurrence while others for the first time, and some facing other health challenges , some facing family stresses, others in their careers. As the song goes " Times like these, it's hard to see, But somehow I have a peace, you are near" Shalom my friends.
Humans are not birds and birds are not humans. Unlike the fowls of the air, we humans are much valued by our Creator God! The reason why we are here on earth - until we understand the issue of surrender, living everything behind and until we know what we would die for...until then....can we only be FREE like these birds...Care Free indeed!