Thursday, September 12, 2024

20240912 Singing in tongues? memory time!?

This week is a memory time week!
Last week sermon on TONGUES!
Brought back so many memories?

Question: Do u speak in tongues ? 
Why or why not ?

Anyway , from mon to wed this week, I had a great reunion with friends and ex colleagues of over 30 years

1. MONDAY - COOS Sunday School! One who came back from Switzerland/ Mauritius! And a memory song which we used to sing! Here goes! “I will have no other Gods before me!”

2. Tuesday : Reunited with some secondary school mates. One who came back from Germany!

3. Wednesday :Reunited with ex bank colleagues - an invite by our dear old Boss who is no 85! Oh wow!

So these were 3 days in a row of 
Down Memory lane!

And speaking of tongues?
I recalled in 1996 how I “investigated” this topic!
The year I came to COOS!
Heard the teachings of DH!
Bought many books to read - FOR & AGAINST?


Tonite, 12/9/24, I decided to sing partially in tongues!
Ho Ho Ho!
3 more months to Christmas 2024

My worship to the Lord
In tongues you may not have thought
Perhaps it sounded strange to you a lot
Fear not, it is my personal love language to my Lord
You better understand it not?
Else, can you interpret it or not?


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