Sunday, September 29, 2024

20240928 YWHW is faithful - The Alpha!

 The Lord started a little chain of events in early Jan 2024 with an encounter of a miracle at Highland Road

Next was the Spring Orchestra for the CNY. 

Then came the email to Glad Tidings Church seeking for an Alpha course for my sister who lives nearby. COOS is just too far for her. 

Little did I know that my very sister whom I know for so many years was not really good in Chinese! But the Alpha was in Chinese! Oh o)!

So came July 2024, the Alpha started. My sister went on her own. Came back and recounted how she had to read the English subtitles and required a translator due to the hard of hearing too! Lol!

Faithfully she went week after week. 

She completed 12 of the 13 sessions! What a surprised ! 

God is faithful. Amen!



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