Sunday, June 10, 2012

20120610: Sunbird Reflections - His wonderful creation

I came to know that the name of the birds that came to build the nest at our home was called "SUNBIRDS".  Apparently, they appear on our Singapore Twenty Dollar note too!

My SUNBIRD journey from March to June this year was one of an experience of my lifetime!
There were the days of joy, surprise, awe when the first weave began.  Then came the moments of shock , fear and sadness when the completed nest dropped. And finally another joy to know that they are alive and saved. And they flew away.

When I first uploaded the first video in May, I was unsure of the number of eggs in the nest.

I guess the Lord heard my prayer of curiosity.  The nest had to drop on 23/5/2012.  So I managed to count and found there were TWO! So on hindsight, the dropping of the nest wasn't a bad thing afterall! Ha Ha.

Throughout this period , I have learnt several lessons indeed:-

1. Building the House of God
Sunbirds, like sparrows in the bible, Ps84:3 speaks of them finding a house , a nest for herself where she may lay her young.  
As I observed the process of this building , hatching and watching, I am in awe of our Creator God.  To me , this dwelling of a home reminds me to treasure the joy of being in the presence of the Lord - as the doorkeeper in the house of my God.  These little olive yellow sunbirds brought so much joy to me as I watch them grow.

2. Protective Father God
The most heartache part was the day the nest dropped and out fell the 2 little fledglings. I remembered as I waited for Keith to arrive on that fateful morning. And John was away - I could only watch and pray. I felt helpless as I did not know if they were dead or alive until I saw one moved. Worst still, as I watched from afar , the papa and mama birds kept flying in and then away and back again several times. They too were helpless! They were chirping loudly too. Guess they were desperate!
They perched themselves up on a floor above that of the nest watching every movement. They seemed to be watching over the nest protectively all these months too. Each time they sense I was in the room, playing the keyboard, they would fly down.

Human intervention like this was a rare moment.  But they needed the external help.  
So for that - I thank Keith for coming to the rescue. He was the saviour of the birds.  This reminded me of my beloved own Saviour , Lord Jesus Christ. 

And like any father, the Lord's eyes are upon us all the time. He is the protector at all times.

Watching the parent birds over her young warms the very bottom of my heart. And that is really the Father heart of YHWH.

3. Our Foundation in Building
The dropping of the nest led me to wonder. Why and what caused it to drop!
- The parents were inexperienced . They miscalculated the weight of the young?
- They did not weave the foundation strong enough to sustain the whole nesting?
- The winds and the rains over the recent weeks had been contributory factors?

Does it not sound familiar to our own walk with the Lord?
If we are not rooted firmly in HIM, when the storms of life come at us, we may fall. That's painful.

4. Freedom in Him
6/6/2012 seemed to be the last day I saw of the little ones.
They have flown away.
Birds are meant to be free anyway.  They are born free.

We came back from Darwin just on 5/6 after the flight was delayed by a day due to technical reasons. Yet, the Lord allowed me to catch the video on the 6/6 of the little one coming out.  I am very thankful.  Because it was my desire to see to the end of the beginning of the first weave of leaves. My Darwin trip - I had further glimpse of wild life birds and crocs, wallabies in the outbacks.  The world of nature is simply awesome.

Coming back to catch their first steps was another awesome sight. More importantly, the joy on knowing they are saved from the fall.

And so like these SUNBIrds, I am reminded that it was for freedom that Christ has set us free, no longer subject to a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1

Freedom! Yes! Fly! Higher and Higher! Whoa! Let Faith arise and take flight and enjoy every moment in our days !

201250525: Alive! My sunbirds are alive!

Thank God! 2 days after the nest dropped and the littles one fell out, they remained ok!
On 6/6/2012, the following video was taken showing one of them flying out of the nest!
So well well, it took them about three months from the nest building in March 2012 to the hatching and first flight on 6/6/2012!
This was the most awesome experience I ever had! 
Looking back below as the parents first began their weave of the nest in Mar 2012! Time really flies! Thank God they were saved from the dropped nest and they are alive!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...