Thursday, August 9, 2012

20120809: Gen41:33 - 4 & 1+3+3! A Tale of 2 countries

Gen 41:33Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man DISCRETE AND WISE, and set him over the land of Egypt"

Joseph was THE discrete or discerning and wise man the pharaoh picked to watch over the land of Egypt. It was then 7 years of plentiful where Joseph stored up in his advice to pharaoh to prepare for the 7 coming famine years.

As our nation celebrates her 47th year, indeed we need a 4-7 man like Joseph in Gen 41:33 to steer us into the next lap.  The medals above are not the London Olympic Gold, Silver or Bronze medal. Below is a contrast of 2 countries, Singapore vs Grenada. I have never heard of this country until someone sent me this photo below. It is a small country off the Carribean (NE of Venezuela) . Predominantly Christian in population. And yes, God has blessed this little place which came into independence 9 years after our little red dot as it is also known as an island of spice - major exporter in nutmeg and mace.  Interesting , her motto is "Ever conscious of God we aspire, Build and advance as One People"

We were given these medals at the Day Of His Power, an annual praise and prayer meeting held on the eve of our national day.  The athletes who compete in the Olympics do it for mainly one reason - I suppose - to bring pride to the country whom he or she represents.  S'pore has so far not won any gold. But this year 2012, this little country of Genada proved that they can come up with a man like  Kirani James who won the first Olympic gold medal in the men's 400 m dash. And the reward? 
A PUBLIC HOLIDAY!!! For all the 110,000 citizens! No million or hundred of thousands payout in cash to the competitor. Had the Malaysian badminton player won, then all Malaysians were supposed to be treated to a free ice-cream by one ice-cream company.

What does national day mean to you?
In the past, I am proud to carry my red passport.  It is a passport that many from other countries often see red as many visas are waived because we are citizens of a little red dot.

Lately, some embarrassment and shame has crept in.
We are an unique nation. We Pay And Pay to get the cream of every crop - that comes from the top ministers and civil service and into the sports arena.  The carrot is always dangling & seducing the very young here.  No one knows the heart of the man or woman - the work or sports competition - is it for the money or the fame or glory?

Unlike Grenada which is mainly Christian, our little red dot is only perhaps 18% christian as we lived in a very multiracial country.  Our electorate for voting in the recent Presidential election was only slightly past 2mio. But we have right now about 5mio people here on our 710 sq km.  Imagine Grenade with only 110,000 people on their island half the size of our little red dot!  Integration - the talk of the town here to.  Embracing other nationals.  Can we be like Grenada - able to share the same motto " Ever conscious of God we aspire, Build and advance as One People"? We are very multiracial.  The God whom the people worship differs. What is nation? My earlier blog touched on it. Can we aspire? Can we build and advance? Yes. But as ONE people? Er...

I have seen some of the photos of Grenada. The island looks simple and rustic. Perhaps that was what Sir Raffles saw and loved when he stepped unto this red dot. But the country has changed over the years.  I have been to the Gardens by the Bay. But there is lots of artificial stuff in there.  I dunno how to express. Just felt it. Preferred the botanic gardens ten times over.  I think we are trying too hard.  Time to sit back and just relax on the sandy beach of the east or west coast to gaze at the stars - the natural blinking lights above the dark night. These little twinkling lights - there are free.... so here is a national day song "Free" (by Corrine May)  to all ...Blessed 47th birthday S'pore.  Pray that we will have 4-7 Joseph - discrete and wise to steer this little red dot in right direction in the days ahead.  Break the chains over our nation.  Set us free... ....a reminder of the wild morning glories I used to see on the fences in my kampong days! Have you seen a morning glory around lately in your neighbourhood?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

20120807: Bromptomgate Cycles : Judges 3: Othniel First Judge :40years


History had proven over and over again.
The LORD is sovereign. He is the King of Kings over the nations.

Why would the Lord allow the Israelites to dwell among the Cannaanites,  the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites?
Guess the answer lies in Judges 3:1. "These are the nations the LORD left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan.  (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience)..v4 they were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the LORD's commands , which he had given their forefathers through Moses"

1. The Lord is constantly testing us to prove our hearts' commitment towards Him
2. The Lord wants us to be geared up for warfare at all times

In the midst of difficult or challenging situations, can we rise up and pass the tests set before us? Spiritual warfare is for real.  Are we sword-ready, shield-prepared, truth-belted, helmet secured and shoes buckled to take on this fight? 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

20120805: Judges 2 Judges Raised

Judges 2:1 And an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers, and I said, I will never break my covenant with you.  v2 And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall thrown down their altars; but ye have not obeyed my voice; why have ye done this?"
Judges 2:16" Nevertheless, the LORD RAISED UP JUDGES which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them"

The angel of the LORD term appears more than 40x in the bible.  Essentially it was thought that the person is Jesus Christ Himself.

The second chapter opens with a harsh judgement on the nation of Israel.  I ended up in last blog - Bochim - the people wept.

Joshua let the people go and everyone went to their own inheritance to possess the land. This earlier generation served the LORD all the days of Joshua as well as the elders who outlived JOshua who had seen the great works of the Lord. Joshua died at 110 years old. Then the problem kicked in when the next gen x-y-z who do not know the Lord came in.

It is a scary thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.
How can we provoke the LORD to anger?
v2:11-19 :
1. Do evil
2. Serve Baalam, Baal, Ashtaroth
3. Follow other gods
4. Follow the gods of the people that were around them
5. Failed to listen to the judges but whore (prostituted) after  and bow (worship)  to other gods
6. Fail to obey the commandments of the LORD
7. Corrupt more than their fathers  

What happens when God turns hot ?
a) God delivers us into the hands of the spoilers or raiders
b) sells us into the hands of the enemies

In this interesting history time, after Joshua died, the Lord RAISED UP JUDGES. The people were supposed to listen to the judges. And when times they did not,  judgment was met .

The interesting pattern goes throughout this book of Judges. When it came to pass when the particular judge died, the people went back to the old days and corrupted more. But when they repented, they were delivered.  We call it the 7 cycles of sin.

Back in those days following Joshua, judges were righteous and they helped to judge, rule, deliver the nation. The Hebrew title is "Shophtim" - meaning "judges, rulers, deliverers or saviours" Purpose - maintain justice and settle disputes, to liberate and deliver.

Back then , the people often fall into a cycle of being corrupt after a while. But how about judges of today? Today, democratic nations are govern under the rule of law. National constitutions are drawn up individually in various countries on how the people in that country should be ruled.

Just earlier this month, something interesting cropped up in the courts with a member of the law society here.  I often wondered why the term "called to the bar"?
Well the Bar is  the body of legal practitioners who practice as barristers. The sudden barging in of this fellow member and the sequel of events that is now underway with the famous noodle in this little red dot - "Sumee" is funny yet, sad.

Sad. Has the bar been lowered? Has it been compromised? Has it been politicised?

Few more days to our 47th birthday ....Someone used the word "Repent" during the GE2011 Election. Indeed, how apt and important is this concept from this Chapter 2 of Judges.  Hope is still there for those who are willing to repent.  Afterall, our God is the Chief Justice of this nation. There is no one like Him.  His nature is one of mercy and grace. Don't ever provoke HIm to be hot....the little dot may turn from red to black ashes indeed.

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...