Tuesday, July 29, 2014

20140728_Ubin Revisited

On 29/7/014, a group of 15 of us went biking at Pulau Ubin! It was Hari Raya holiday and there were many people on the island this day.
Arrived at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal Boarded the ferry at about 9:30am. One way is S$2-50 per pax


This is the Changi Beach Sailing club. Boardwalk

The ferry only takes about 10 min to Ubin
The max number of passengers for each ferry is only 12!
Rented the bikes on arrival at S$8 for the whole day. Some chose the newer bikes at S$10

We decided to turn left to Chek Jawa which was about 2km away from the jetty?
Rather undulating for some parts of the road...need to disembark to push the bike!

Took the Chek Jawa Boardwalk...the tide was too high for us to spot the starfish etc..:(
Weather was pretty good!
 They were looking at the mud holes..there were mud crabs and mudskippers!
And this is the atap seed's "covering"! Strange that the transparent looking seed actually is found as such!

 Arrived at the tower...time seem to passed us by slowly....
 Some went up to peek and it was Aaron who led the way!
From above looking down!

Nice green looking "lake"!

 Rambutans - er...not too sweet and the flesh tend to stick to the seed...

Left Ubin at about past noon.
To prevent any from collapse from the biking, we decided to go for lunch at the hawker centre at Changi Village.

The chicken chop noodle and the red tea longan dessert! Wow ! Great!!

Next time" We will cycle to the right and explore the other side of this island!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

20140712-East Coast-New sports Hub- Marina Bay Gardens- Day and Nite biking!

12/7/2014 - Crossing over the time zone between dusk to nite @ about 6:15pm
A beautiful picturesque scene indeed

On 12th July 2014, we took some friends and loved ones (some from Malaysia and UK) to this bike ride from evening sun down to nightfall.  

The last time we did this cycle was back in Oct 2012 and it was in the morning.  This time we decided to do a ride where we could see both the day and the nite lights. And yes, we were not disappointed as it was a rather cool and windy day . 

What was even more unexpected was that we were in for a greater treat as the National Day rehearsals were on going and the timing was just right! We saw the paratroopers where we arrived at the mid point at the new Sports Hub which was newly opened in July!

The view along the Kallang River was spectacular - both day and night scenes.  We saw the heli with the big flag flying past us at the Gardens. The fighter jets zoomed in formation . We watched the gun salutes at the Marina Promenade.  Had great food at the Satay Club and rushed back to catch the fireworks along Kallang River.  We did it in 4 hours as we did not want to pay the overnite surcharge of bike return at additional S12/pax!

Did a previous youtube of this cycle in 2012.  This one is dedicated to all the gang who rode that day.  Interesting, the pencil sketch artist Stephen Whitshire too finished his sketch on 20th July 2014 - in 10 days. His sketch was focused too on this East Coast to Marina Bay Gardens .  So the ending part in this youtube is a token of thanks for his gift to little Red Dot for her coming Jubilee celebration next year 2015!

May you be blessed as you browse and enjoy this song "FLY" by Jason Upton. His testimony in the link below too.



20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...