Saturday, September 26, 2015

20150924: A Miracle Haze Testimony : Power of prayer!

Psalm 20: 1-2 May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.  May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion"

Indeed this verse from Ps 20 came alive to me on 23rd Fri and 24th Sat Sep 2015!

Little red dot had been smoked badly by the haze from our neighbor Indonesia for the past weeks. The PSI hit above 300 this week and forced our school to close on 24/9 Fri! My nose was runny and the throat was badly sored since Wednesday.

So on 23/9 Fri early morning on the way sending my father in law to his routine dialysis, the buildings at about 6:40am indeed looked so blurred due to the bad haze.  It was along Rochor Road that my hubby and I decided to pray for the haze to go away!

Little did I realised that by 9am through a group chat that my friend G commented that "it doesn't feel like 300psi out in the sky...more like 100psi" And so indeed I replied that we should thank God as it was still bad earlier and prayed in the car at about 6:40!

And the best part was the next day on 24/9 Sat morning as I opened up the papers. The chart above showed the sharp decline in the haze indicator just about the same time as we prayed! Oh my! The Lord heard our distress call!
Looked like v 4 had been answered! He gave us the desire of our heart! Haze gone! LOL

So now Ps 20:5 "We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of the Lord" Yes Yes Yes! Thanks be to God for the answered prayer! YEAH!

And guess what? The schools 'closed' for nothing! Should have been opened. The exams too should not have been postponed! MOE expected the worst! LOL

God is Good! He is Faithful! He hears our Prayers! PTL! Amen!
Reminded me of this song "My God Reigns". A special dedication to my nephew/ Godson - If the Lord can answer our prayer of a horrible haze that seemed so impossible to be swept that day, He is able to answer any of our desires of our heart indeed. Nothing is difficult for Him , O man! So V7 , "some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" You will rise up and stand firm! Let your hope in Jesus be anchored in your soul.  Even in the worst of times - fears and heartaches, let the peace of Jesus reigns. Knowing that HIS Love will never never never fail you. He is Faithful. He reigns! Amen! And yes - you will surely rise up and stand firm!

I have a hope so sure
An anchor for my soul
My peace in the worst of times
I trust in God alone
Let every voice declare it now
My God reigns
His love will never fail me
My God reigns He's ruling over all
In all my life
In every situation I know
My God is greater my God is over all
By faith I have believed
And on this truth I stand
No power in life or death
Can take me from His hand
Above all sickness above all fear
Above every heartache here
In earth & heaven My God reigns
Above all power above all thrones
The greatest love I've ever known
Today forever my God reigns

Read more: ALM: UK - My God Reigns Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...