Wednesday, October 26, 2016

20161026 - Dine in Dark & Battery in Bulb

Emergency Purchase of this S$6.90 LED Light Bulb and the 4AAAs Battery $1.30 on 25/10/16!!!

Ominous dark clouds hovered over little red dot at about 6:45pm on 25/10/16! was "romantic" dining in the dark for almost 2 hours from 7pm....

A memorable & unforgettable 25/10/16 night of sudden downpour and blackout that left us scrambling to find the candles and torchlights!

The parable of the 10 virgins came to my mind as we went out to purchase more lights and candles and batteries about an hour after the total darkness in the house.

For the first time for many of us, we experienced our candlelight dinner with our spouses! Something that we here in little red dot hardly experienced nowadays after boasting of the First World city status. Nevertheless, the struck of nature's lightning and the old electric circuit breaker couldn't hold any longer.  

Are we Prepared?
Of course not! By normal human standard, we were definitely not prepared for such a thing!

And my brother in law who went out to buy the lights/candles could not find them after hopping from one petrol kiosk to another! LOL.

We were smarter.  We went to the heartland's DIY store in Holland V! (And we found out that one store sold the similar light for S$2 more for the same LED light! and $0.10 more for the same 4 pack AAA Eveready Battery :(....and both were just a stone throw away....)

Are we Ready?
Just like the 5 wise virgins who had oil together with the lamps, the LED lights would not work without the 4 AAA batteries.  We bought extra packs as the lifespan of the battery was limited.

Perhaps the brand of this battery "EVEREADY" is so befitting to the question of "Are we Ready"?
Guess we ought to live in this season (onimous dark clouds over many nations) of time to be "Eveready' all the time.

This outer shell of our body is merely a shell.  We need to be filled with the oil - the Holy Spirit to be well alive and prepared to face the Bride anytime, anywhere, anyhow when He comes.

The emergency call to the electrician broke the darkness about 2 hours later.

But it was with a high price to pay for this restoration of light in the house. Kena KOTOK. But what choice have we right? With old folks in the house and plenty of foodstuff in the fridges?

So with our uncle and aunt from Melbourne, who were invited for this dinner - we broke in to laughter when the light came! Let there be light! As chatted, one would not appreciate the light had one not experienced the darkness! Praise the Lord!

P/S: So now, we have the extra lights and batteries....better prepared now....of course the reminder to continually check the life span of that EVEREADY pack? Who knows, one day, we may find them expired! Got the LED Light but expired batteries! Ha Ha Ha....Not so EVEREADY ....

Friday, October 7, 2016

20161001:Iconic Double Rainbow over Unique MBS

[Exceptional photo taken by a friend, A.N. on 30/9/2016 -Great vantage view of the double rainbow over Marina Bay Sands Hotel - houses one of the two casinos in Spore)

Exodus 6:6 "Wherefore say unto the children of Israel. I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will redeem you with a stretched our arm and with great judgements"

On 1/10/2016, the newspapers and social media was abuzz with the excitement of a double rainbow sighting over parts of little red dot on 30/9.  I am known for being a rainbow chaser.  Hence I was forwarded with several rainbow sightings for that day.

The one above was my favorite.  A great capture by AN , my classmate's wife who happened to be at the right place, right time, right moment.

This particular spectacular shot lifted my heart tremendously. Why?

Simply because it was an awesome arc over our unique MBS which was accredited with the award of architectural design.  But more uniquely, the double rainbow was covering over one of our 2 casinos here.  

Back in 2003, many Sporeans petitioned over the building of casiNOs . But our government ruled over by building not one but TWO over economic value reasons.  Fast forward to 2010, this iconic MBS was completed. Boasted of housing one of the most expensive casino property at S$8billion.

And last month Sep 2016 in Parliament, our government passed the bill to allow for legalised gambling. Just 5 years later.... We are a promoter of SMART wired nation.  So much so that even gambling - a vice, has gone ONLINE!  Uniquely Spore!

So come 25 Oct 2016, one of the two approved vendors will kick off its online 'attraction" whereas the other approved will go live in Nov 2016.  Spore Pools and TOTO!  wOW O WOW Owow!

Besides, we too have a overhaul of our elected president criteria passed in Parliament! A president with such awesome credentials for qualification in money quantum management of corporations over the character and moral selection criteria. 

Perhaps this is the new leadership of this nation direction for the new era. Post LKY.  As a citizen born in this red dot, do I cheer and see hope for a better future for the next generation? or do I jeer and lament over the current state of affairs? 

To be frank, I did not participate in the petition against this online gambling this time round.  To be truthful, I was feeling the sense of hopelessness. For our nation.  It is done.  Whether petition or not.  Afterall, majority of the MPs are 'AYE! AYE!" to whatever presented in the Parliament.  Perhaps only a handful of the elected MPs have the conscience to vote against what is seemingly not right for the ordinary citizens.  And with majority silent, what can a mere silly online petition by a handful of few thousands enthusiastic concerned folks do? POur MPS are supposedly our represented voices. Get a miracle? I was ticked off  by a friend for not signing up to add to the petition numbers.  I was challenged over not just praying but putting 'action' to matters.

Whatever, our LORD knows. He Is The LORD!

Exodus 6.  
  • The Lord said more than 3 x in this chapter .  "I am the LORD"
  • He has established his covenant with the children
  • He has heard the groanings of his children of  Israel , whom the Eqyptians have kept in bondage
  • He has remembered His covenant
  • He will bring the children out from the burdens of the Egyptians
  • He will rid of the bondage
  • He will redeem his people with an out stretched arms
  • And he will redeem with GREAT JUDGEMENTS.
  • He will bring the children in to a land which he swore to Abraham as a heritage.

My reflections
This recent double rainbow sighting brought joy and a glimpse of hope on 1/10/2016.  A little children's day gift from a Heavenly Father to her daughter.

He knows our burdens and cries for a little nation. Just like the Israelites under the yoke of slavery of the Egyptian Pharoah.

The MBS is a iconic feature of our S'pore architectural landscape.  But many are not that proud to boast of the grand casino within.  The social ills and financial woes it bring to those who unwittingly caught in the mire of gambling vice in its grandeur of its confine. Now ,one can do that within in the comfort of their own home!  Who needs MBS or RWS casinos now?(May be during the hazy days?!)

A good king of any land should have the subjects' welfare at heart. That is a good king. And the reverse?
Prov 21:1" The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD,as the rivers of water, he turns it withsoever he will"

A little prayer:

Thank you Lord for your precious rainbow covenant of love.
A reminder of who you are and what you have done coming from above.
You are the Great Jehovah whose eyes roam
May our hearts be always lifted up to see beyond this earthly home.

To those whose lives are devastated by such bad policies designed
May you forgive and restore the hopelessness by those resigned                       We will continue to plead you to heal Our Land
Regardless of the numbers of written petition, for in this united prayer we stand


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