Saturday, March 31, 2018

20180331-Labrador Park - Queenstown via AYE-Hort Park!

31/3/18 A new bike trail from home to Labrador Park!

Yesterday was Good Friday. The causeway was so decided to stay in little red dot over this long weekend instead.

Using the NParks website to locate the nearest PCN - decided to try out this trail on sat morning.  Weather was pretty perfect.  Started at 8:40am from home -COOS- MeiLing St Stadium- Indian Global Int's School - Queenway Shopping Centre -into AYE passing through Hort Park - into Labrador Park! Pretty shady & green all the way...supposedly 7 km plus x 2 , with a little routing in park- perhaps a total of 16-18KM.

Met several fishing enthusiasts at the Labrador Jetty! An uncle told us he camped overnite ! Also proudly showed us his harvest! A stingray! and many other fish - Yellowtail!

 Came back and detoured into one of the shops in AV.  Found this new Pau shop run by a very energetic old 70 boss Mr Leow ! Just opened barely 2 mths back!
So we yakked and yakked...and then came his neighbour old aunty Tan in her 80s who came to sit around too. She shared with me her poor feet in pain and numbness for over a year.

Well, this is a day after Good Friday! So in my limited Teochew, I shared about His death the day before.  The reason for His coming and death and the resurrection Sunday tomorrow some 2018 years ago.  He came so that we can have life eternally.  Thereafter, I knelt down with her permission, laid my hands on her legs and prayed for healing for her poor feet.  Told her to let Mr Leow know if healing comes later! Just hope that my Lord Jesus would hear my prayer and do that healing work soon and that she will know Him as her personal Saviour!  Her good friend in her 60s often visited her and had been inviting her to church! LOL!


Left the Pau shop at 12:10pm.
12:40 : arrived home sweet home...
Rested our own FEET! Ha Ha Ha.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

20180215_CNY Doggy Year...

15/2/18 : Woof woof year! 

A busy year of 2018 began and I just couldn't believe that over one and half months had woofed me by in a twinkling of an eye! Now it is end of March2018!

Not sure why I had been so busy? Hmmm....

Today, let me enjoy my doggy new year memories with my loved ones!

A little glimpse of Chinatown for doggy year 2018!

But the most memorable fun nite this year was my brother's labour of love in the making of this AMUSEMENT ARCADE games on the CNY Day 2 and 3.  Of course the grand nephews and niece chipped in to help. 

As expected, notwithstanding he being a heavy smoker, he learnt to go GREEN this year by RECYCLING his bounty of empty cigarette boxes! For the fishing and shooting game! What a paradox! LOL.
And this year, he refused to have his goatie beard trimmed even though I managed to win the fishing game ie to fish out all the 10 over boxes in record timing of Under 2 minutes! I did it in 1.30min?  The rest of the people played this game - but due to the shaking of the hands and lack of focus? none of them could fish all within the time limit!  Had it videoed as proof decided to change the rules of this game ! Sore loser! Cheh!

My eldest sister folded this doggy ang pow! Pretty one!

Glorious food again! See that ABALONE??

And fireworks again in JB! Yeah!

So there goes another year....

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...