Tuesday, July 10, 2018

20180701-TioMAN! Matt 17:27 Go to Sea, cast a hook : Rod & Reel vs Net

Rod & Reel!

In previous blog, I had a little laugh over the 'net' to catch the 7 kois in a small pond in June 2018.  On 28/6/18, a group of 7 of us went to Tioman for some snorkel, trek and fishing at sea!

It was for many of us , a FIRST experience at rod fishing at sea. Thanks a an avid angler friend who organised this trip for us. His surname was Tio. And boy , what a passionate Man he was into fishing!  He brought along 3 fishing rods and 2 ring reels.  He was indeed the "TIOMAN" man in this trip!

What I learnt:-
  • The bait is important - we used cut sotong
  • The fishing line hooks - size and colours matter too
  • The purpose of the weight at the fishing line!
  • Why that weight needs to land at the sea bed (which could be more than 20 feet down under) - the fishes swim at the sea bed mainly..
  • The release and tightening of the reel - taut line to feel the catch.
  • How to tease the fish by pulling the line on and off
  • The importance of reeling in fast before the fish gets away
  • How to remove the hook from the fish
  • How to balance oneself in a rolling moving boat at sea!

When I first observed YN remove the hook from the fish above, I immediately remembered Jesus replying to Peter in Capernaum regarding paying tribute. 
Jesus honoured tax paying.  But what is more amazing is the way the money was collected via casting a hook into the sea!

Our fishing trip was only half a day. We had to sail to the deeper part of the ocean.  And it took some of us much waiting to get a fish to bait! John had the best catch of 8 and some of us even zero at the end of the day!

So what was amazing was that Jesus told Peter to take up the fish that FIRST come up and opened his mouth! And they shall find the a piece of money! Take and pay tribute!

What is the image that comes to mind when you think of fishing?
Some may come up with an angler with a rod and reel while others may envision a group of fishermen with a big casting net over the sea.

I am blessed to be able to appreciate the catching of fish by both methods in this month of June. 

However, whatever the method is - the same goes for evangelism in the catching of men.  Apollos watered. Paul planted.  It is still the LORD who gave the increase.

Never had to eat 14 fish at one go at the restaurant . Tucking into our own catch.  Not a cheap catch - spending RM70 per pax for the half day fishing trip.  The restaurant charged us RM35 per kilo for doing the cooking.  We had about 2.5kg worth of catch that day .  All in 18 fish. But it was worth the experience of fishing!

Here's our catch ! 2 types of cooking : 
Ginger steam and assam fish!

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