Monday, September 2, 2019

Ps34:1-7 Disappointments vs Appointments - HOPE - Retrenchments vs Retirements

Ps 34 " I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth..."

Disappointments vs Appointments - 
Retrenchments vs Retirements

Ever had such moments of disappointments? Retrenchments? Retirements?
Disappointments of unanswered prayers? 
Disappointments of being retrenched?
Disappointments of early retirements? (according to some survey here, many preferred to work till they past 65...umhhhh...I was rather disappointed when I enquired about my CPF last week. Oh boy! I had to set aside the RA sum of $181k next year when I turn 55! And I won't get to touch it till 10 years later...God knows if I have already turned to dust by then to enjoy the "fruit of my labour" Not only that, it would have to be converted to an annuity plan for monthly withdrawals as lump sum is not allowed.  Ouch! Pray I will stay in great pink of health ! Cheh!)

Even David had his fears. In Ps 34:4  He sought the LORD and he heard him and delivered him from all his fears.
Fears of imminent death?
Fears of not able to be financially providing for the family? 
Fears of not able to find meaningful purposeful work after retirement?

Yet, in such moments, let us not lose hope.
Like David, he cried and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. V6

Rem Rom 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint , because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us

Last Sat, I was inspired and recorded this Hokkien song "爱拼才会赢" MyHokkien was not perfect, so the song was a bit of a rojak remix of Hokkien, Cantonese and Mandarin. But that guitar which my brother gave to me had such a great string quality!
Quite pleased with this recording :) Yeah!

I can’t help but sigh
 I can’t help but chill
 If I lose hope
 Daily drunkenness
 No soul but body,  will be like a scarecrow

 Life is comparable to the waves at sea
 Sometimes it rises,  sometime it  falls
 Good luck, bad luck, it’s all right to start work.
 30% are predestined &
 60% required perseverance
 Need to fight on in order to win


好运 歹运 总嘛要照起工来行
三分天注定 七分靠打拼

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