Tuesday, February 25, 2020

20200214- Passion Trellis on the Valentine!

14/2/2020: Installation of a trellis for the passion fruit plant

After the relocation of the 2 passion plants from the external fence, they started to shoot up well!

So now that they are "climbing', with the help of my brother, he self fixed this right angled trellis with the lines unto the 2 trees!

Soon, I will be repotting one of the plants to the ground again! Hope it will grow and be fruitful in another 9-12 months time!
Planted 3 pineapple crowns too! 

I am reminded of this Isaiah 61:11

"For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth,  So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations"


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

20200205 : A Mentoring Journey @ QSS & Paying It Forward

Above 27/11/19...Having an ice cream waffle with one of my mentees, A.
A Smiley Face ? Her smile is like this waffle!

William Penn "I expect to pass through this life but once.  Therefore if there be any KINDNESS I can show or good thingI can do for any human being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this day again"

The above quote by Penn simply reminded me of David's kindness to Mephibosheth in 2 Sam 9, David asked " Is there anyone left alive from Saul's household to whom I can show gracious love in memory of Jonathon?"

David remembered Jonathon who had helped him escape from the jaws of death from Saul.  David did not forget Jonathon's kindness.  In the chinese saying , "饮水思源"。

The Beginning of a Mentoring Project

It all started with the receipt of a text message from SY requesting for volunteers to help to mentor students in a neighbourhood school in Feb 2019.  The commitment of about 9 months, every tuesday (except the exams and holidays) from 2-4pm, plus additional face time with mentees at least twice a month for 45min per slot.

Supposedly went to hear out the briefing needs on the first meet in school and there started my conception of this projection.  Did not know much about this initially. Almost regretted this commitment! What 9 mths?! Like the pregnancy cycle, I couldn't wait for it to be over before it even commenced! LOL

We were supposed to have only one mentee to journey with .  Alas, there was a shortage of volunteers.  So I had 2 instead of one! Not what I expected! More load !

But I was rather fortunate.  My 2 gals were pretty responsive and 'compliant', unlike some of my other mentors' mentees.  So, in the end of the journey as I looked back, I had fun and satisfaction with no regrets!

Not forgetting, we , mentors, came from all over the place.  We were strangers but yet with an objective of love to share our lives with the younger mentees, we tried our best to rally together. To bond with the mentees was already a hurdle for some, not forgetting that mentors need to support each other for the group mentoring in class. A miracle. His miracle actually!

The End of this Mentoring project

Fast forward 5/2/2020, we celebrated the Mentees' Graduation, a year later.
As volunteers, we were not paid any $.  In fact I believe most of our mentors expense more from our own pocket while journeying with the mentees! And our time is also $$$$$......

It had finally ended officially. Though I hope this friendship would carry on in the years ahead.  In my little card penned to them , I wrote:

"Dear Mentee

Apostle Paul once wrote in 1 Cor 9:24 'Do you know that which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain'

And yes, life is like a race, not a sprint. But rather a marathon.  Each day is precious, now as a student and later in your career.

The late oldest Singaporean marathon runner, Mr Chan Meng Hui quoted 'It is not how fast you can go but how far you go....'  He started running @ 50! Did many maranthons thereafter.  He only passed away @89 in Feb 2019.  In fact the time this mentoring journey had just started .

I am glad to be your mentors in the mentoring program in 2019.  I truly hope that this short 1 year stint would leave some memorable milestones in your earthly pilgrimage in the years ahead of you.

Have you ever watched the American movie " PAY IT FORWARD"  That was 20 years ago in 2000.  Aha! You were not even born!  This movie was about a 12 year old boy Trevor who was given an assignment to devise and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better.  So what did Trevor do?  He started a charitable program based on the networking of good deeds.  He calls his plan "PAY IT FORWARD". - which requires the recipient of a favour doing a favour for 3 others rather than paying the favour back.  So it started with Trevor and so on....branching tree of good deeds.  KINDNESS in action.  Watch this movie if you had not?

And appreciate what William Penn wrote ""I expect to pass through this life but once.  Therefore if there be any KINDNESS I can show or good thingI can do for any human being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this day again"

Mui is honoured to be your mentor in 2019.  And as my mentees, I am proud to know that you have showed respect, responsibility, resourcefulness, resilience and improved confidence to take you to the next level!.

It was a fun, exciting and great learning journey in this 1-1 mentoring!

What is my desire, mentee?
That you would be like Trevor "PAYING IT FORWARD' in the years ahead , yah?  Becoming a woman of excellence in your career and becoming a volunteer mentor yourself on day. Be a great blessing to another!

With love and God Bless you
Mentor Mui
2019- 5 Feb 2020


I believe many of us had our own mentors or little hero-worshippers in our own life.  Those who had made an impact on our lives for the better.  Especially those who had shown KINDNESS more than anything.

This simple act of kindness - may be a small act,  But it would cause a great ripple effect to those around us.

After all, what is kindness?
God is love.
And Love is Kind.
Personified, my Lord Jesus is the person of kindness, His character which we would like to emulate.
Through the lineage of King David - Jesus Christ was born.
And King David had already exhibited this great spirit of Kindness when he looked to repay late Jonathon's act via his crippled son , Mephibosheth. 

There are so many verses about kindness in the bible.

And part of why I decided to help in this mentoring project is also partly because I have been a recipient of His Grace, mercy and kindness.  PAYING IT FORWARD is something that I want to do, like what Trevor did.

Trevor's death in the movie, started one journalist to trace back to Trevor's small and simple project of not repaying back the favor but to 3 others.  It was like a MLM (Man Loving Mankind) level kind type of network marketing!  Through that simple act of Trevor, it created a great ripple effect on thousands of people.  Trevor did not die in vain.  He finished his race with Grade A*. Short race for only 12 years on earth.  Short but great impactful life.  That was Trevor.

Further Reflection on the recent outbreak of Novel Coronavirus
It is not nice to call it Wuhan Virus.  But globally, we know that was where it first started. Arising from this epidemic, we see the ugly as well as the good side of humanity.

Masks hoarders.  Masks profiteers.  But in the midst was this youtube about the kindness and generosity of an anon man who gave the 500 masks at a police station sacrificially.  There were also many many others, fighting this virus war at ground Zero.  This is the other side of the coin - Kindness & love  action in the midst of calamity.

There is HOPE. God is still with us in the midst of such storm.  No fear.  Angels around. Paying it Forward - like a common angelic act, speaks volume in this beautiful song in Angels.  The scenes and beautiful lyrics of this song - have a hear!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

20200125- CNY Rat Year!

2020 ushers in the Year of the Rat!

So I decided to play "Mice Loves Rice" on hubby's harmonica!

Rat Year was rather happening!

  • Started with a bang on Day 1 with the gathering of some old tennis kakis whom we have not met for 2 years or so.  The kids had grown!
  • Then Day 2 celebrated a 90 year old pickleball uncle Wong birthday after the pickleball session at Queenstown !
  • That was the the fateful day where John's right knee meniscus finally snapped!
So 11/1/20- the keyhole surgery was done! Day surgery.

Then came the Days of Further Feasting!!!!!!!

Unfortunately , this Rat also cause a kind of plague - an epidemic of Wuhan Coronavirus ! As at date of 1/2/2020, there were already more than 10k cases and over 300 deaths reported. SIGH! Oh Rats!!!

FEAR! Short of MASKS!

Had to dig out some old stock of masks!
And decided to buy some 'cloth' masks which was not effective according to some friends. Well, guess having it provides some psychological comfort :) LOL

REFLECTION  of the beginning of the year.....

Saw this unusually low thunder clouds on 30/1/2020.

Whatever, Coronavirus or not, life still have to go on.
Masks or no masks, life still have to go on.
From Wuhan to the rest of the globe, life still have to go on
Planes may be grounded, trains , cars or buses halted
Life still have to go on.

In times like this, we cuddle & huddle 
and over these dampening events we muddle.
Only to our YHWH Lord we shudder

Have mercy O Lord on us, Have mercy on us!
In prayers for this Wuhan Virus

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...