Tuesday, July 27, 2021

20210727- Reflections of Our lives @ MacRitchie 12KM

27/7/21 : P2HA again...Max 2 so ....Walking at Mac!

COVID strikes again! At the Fishing Port! At the KTVs...and now like wild fires in our hawker centres!

The 2 to go and no dining is quite saddening. 

What to do? Walked this morning. Completing a 12km trip at MacRitchie Reservoir.

Started at 8:10am...ended at about 11:40 at Venus car park.

Tired. So took a bus back to the reservoir!

This little narrow strip dividing the Spore Island Club and our natural park.

One requires membership of above hundreds thousands to step unto the Green.

The other side of which is public natural reserve for the commoners!

See the divider?
See the warning? "DO NOT TRESPASS"
Private Vs Public!

Well well. Reflections of My Life here in the video!


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

20210720- Bruising On...Back to P2HA _U raise me Up!

My knee deep gash 3 weeks on....Hardening..after 26/6/21 bike fall.
This is 20/7/21
At Least..I can fully bend my knees!
Ha! So On bended knees I come!

Bad News...
If the River Valley school killing which just happened yesterday on 19/7 wasn't bad enough, come 22/7/21, back from P3Ha to P2Ha due to the KTV and Fishing Port up surge in Covid cases.  Ouch! (and oh dear, there were 2 murder cases that happened too few days back - one in Punggol and the other in AMK)

Decided to play this on the harmonica....You Raise me UP!!!! especially when news is bad bad bad...

The taboo topic of mental illness.  Depression . Suicide. 

The Brain is a complex organ of our body.  Sometimes, the thought regulations - the emotions, the perception, the memory and hence the communication and the decision or choices that one makes - can be a rather complicated process.  Like in this 16 YO boy - it resulted in murder of another person.  But few years ago, it almost caused his own life.

Tragedy.  To both parents of the 2 boys - it is an agonizing event.

So, mental illness is a malfunction of the brain.

Yes, it can be a stigma.  Just like Covid, the invisible virus, we cannot see the brain unless we crack our skull. Hence we cannot see if one has the mental illness at times - it can be a silent disease. We cannot read another's mind, can we? But we can see perhaps some external manifestations from the person. So the families and loved ones need to be on high alert and step up the efforts to help the person.  And we pray that the person will be "opened" to want to be helped as well.  It takes lots of unity and effort.

I think as human as we are, we too can fall into certain states of depression or low moods during our lives.  King Saul, King David and Prophet Elijah too had such down moments. So why aren't we too spared from it? But the good news is that our Lord Jesus had several accounts of healing those who were demon-possessed, whose minds had gone berserk.

May the Lord bring healing to such malfunction of some of the brains of those hurting.  Jesus said "Come to me and I will give you rest" So come to Him, those who are broken-heart, those whose souls are tormented- He will grant the rest. Yes He can! 

YWHW - He is able to raise us up when we are down.



Tuesday, July 13, 2021

20200701_Muichellin's Bruise, Raincoat, Rosti and more pies!

A NASTY gash from the bike fall!
on a rainy 26/6/21!

Had to play tennis and pickleball with a straightened leg!
The bending was rather painful for the first few days!

My New PINK Raincoat!



20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...