Monday, November 29, 2021

20211129: Hey Tofu Owl artwork!

 Hello Tofu Owl! With the soya sauce!

On the 29th Nov 2021...
Muichaelangelo started carving...
with the long toothpick!

Outline, dig dug out...

Here goes the sauce!


MUICHELLIN presents..
Master Muister Carved TOFU Owl!
Mao Tou Yin!


Carved in less than 10 min!
Eaten in less than 5 min Oh my!

Really enjoyed this carving fun! What a meal!

20211126 : Another Dawson SkyParc @ Carrie's


What a Great View at this new HDB block! 

Faraway ViewPoint.  FOOD.  Fellowship!  Great Friday Night!
And a cute 5.2KG fat meow called Melon....Not Garfield :)


20211124- A hidden Pearl at Pearl's Hill!

 24/11/21 Wed What a find!
A cute little URA conservation building up on Pearl's Hill!

Summary Video here!

What a GEM Finding!

U know what is a Potter's guilt?

This is  !   ! ! 

20211122- ShORT hALT WALK after Booster!

Covid seems never ending.

Had to go for the booster in Nov 2021.

Just hated the SMS nags. 

So on 19/11/21 Fri , I finally got my PPM award.

Then came 22/11/21 Mon, I felt head heavy. Head Fuzzy.

Had to leave the PB game after one round.

Decided to walk home!

A very short 1+KM walk. Smelt the leaves and flowers!

Home feeling weird but happy heart after the short Halt walk!


Sunday, November 21, 2021

20211118- It is that time of the year again! Christmas Decor!

 Simply love the time to WINDOW DRESS the christmas decor!

Another month to ....
Christmas 2021! Og WoW

The colour of the wall is TEAL!
Half of green and half of Blue!

Teal is the colour of restfulness and mental and spiritual balance!
So here is 2021 calm and reflective mood...
in the year of


Keep Calm.
Keep Cool
Yeah! what is 18mths lockdown?

Saturday, November 13, 2021

20211106_A Tale of 3 Rainbows : The Faithfulness of YWHW

Rainbow Sighting on 6/11/21 Sat around 6:50pm

Rainbow forwarded by my classmate at about 6:10pm

The video of rainbow sighted along Braddel Road at about 6:50pm

15/10/21 - Played this Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves for SIL
(Tried playing this song in Key of D on my keyboard)

About 3 weeks after I shared this newly learnt song with my SIL on 15/10/21, she passed away peacefully on 6/11/21.  It was  on this day that the Lord blessed me with 2 rainbows - one from my classmate and the other from my own capture.

When I witnessed that rainbow at about 6:50pm, I was so overjoyed.
Simply because I just felt that the Lord knew my heart's desire.
When I was trying to catch one rainbow at the home balcony about 6:25-30pm, the rainbow was just not there.  I was a little disappointed at first.

So on the way to Hougang, from the corner of my eye, I caught the glimpse of this rainbow! 6:50pm!

Many people who know me better knew that I am a rainbow chaser.  
Ever since 3/4/2003.  The year my John and SIL contracted nose cancer.
18 years passed on and my SIL passed way on this day 6th Nov 2021. 

Seems that the Lord is really so personal that He just wanted me to be assured of His Covenant of Love and Faithfulness.

I am grateful.

Do you know :-
  • That there are 2 rainbows each in Genesis and Revelation?
  • That in Rev 22:13 , Jesus declared " I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End"?
  • That in Rev 21:1, apostle John saw " a new heaven and a new earth,for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared"?
  • That in Rev 21:3, the promise of God which said " God's home is now among his people! He will live with them and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. all these things are gone forever"?
  • That in Rev 21:6, God promises that "to all who are thirsty, I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.  all who are victorious will inherit all these blessings , and I will be their God and they will be my children"?
Oh what a glorious promise! What a covenant Loving Father who remains faithful to us even though sometimes we are faithless!

The Rainbow song I sang to my SIL and the sightings of them on her day of passing on.  There will always be a rainbow hanging over our heads. To those who know the Lord.  Those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life '[Rev21:27]

"Departure is never a pleasant thing.
We can only retain the memories of someone who is close and part of the family"

Indeed, my sister in law had fought the good fight of faith.
Despite the pain and suffering she had to endure over the last 4 years
and the last one month especially in Oct 2021.

Nevertheless, she is now in a better place to come.
This is just a temporal absence.
We will see her again in the near future.
That is the Eternity we long for.
This earth is not my home.
I am merely a transit resident here.
My citizenship is ABOVE.



Friday, November 5, 2021

20211104- Colbar Walk! Deepavali!

A little new found place , Colbar! In Wessex Village, Whitechurch Road

The Young Jumpers!


GoodBye Water tank!

Many thanks to J for showing us how to take this 1.8km to and from from our Tanglin Halt PB court to Colbar on this Deepavali! (20min one way!)

It was such a nice Greenery walk!

So here is the summary trail!

20211105 _ Daniel in Doodles!

 Completed Daniel in Nov 2021

Complete overview of the 12 chapters!

Daniel 1 -2

Daniel 5-6

Daniel 7 -9

Daniel 10- 12 End

What an awesome Persian empire that lasted only about 200 years. Today's Iran.

What an awesome Greek legacy with so many great philosphers, mathematicians and medicine.

Que Sera Sera...whatever will be , will be..the future is not ours to see....Que Sera Sera...That is Daniel 12.

But one thing for sure....

For us whose names are already in the Book of Life, even in the times of great tribulation, we must not worry.  We must live well and wise.  The Lord will see us through.

That is the great assurance.  From the Lord Himself who will reign victoriously !

Monday, November 1, 2021

20211101- Are you "Crown Shy"? Huh? Hmm? Err....

Above a "crown-shy" tree from Tanglin Halt  (photo taken in Oct 2021)
 See those gaps above??

Thanks to my friend J who 'educated' me on this new found term for such a tree!

Crown Shyness in trees!

Have you ever walked and yet looked up at the trees in a park?

Have you observed such an interesting gaps in the leaves & branches?

A Botancal Phenomenon

Less than 100 years ago, back in 1920, a botanical phenomenon that give us beautiful and impressive images of certain forests was observed for the first time. In 1955, the botanist Maxwell R. Jacobs, described this phenomenon as “crown shyness” after studying various populations of eucalyptus. The crown shyness is also known as canopy disengagement, canopy shyness or intercrown spacing.

There were some reasons for this happening.  Gaps to allow light for photosynthesis, avoiding the insect destruction etc


Just learnt this new term this evening!

Our Lord God is so creative !

If a tree that is life giving like the tree of life in my previous post, how much more does our Creator God say about having the crowns of our life?

Are we supposed to be CROWN-SHY?  Are you ready to receive your crowns in Heaven in the time set ahead in eternity for us when we depart from the temporal world?

The word "CROWN" in Greek is "Stephanos" - a badge of royalty, a prize in a game or a symbol of honour.  In the bible, it is a God promise for those who are faithful.

What are these 5 crowns that we can look forward to in Heaven?

  1. The Imperishable Crown        (1Cor 9:24-25, 1 Pet 1:4)
  2. The Crown of Rejoicing          (1The2:19, Phi 4:4, Luke 15:7 & Rev 21:4)
  3. The Crown of Righteousness (2Tim4:8, Phi 3:20)
  4. The Crown of Glory                 (1Pet 5:4, Acts 7:55, Rom8:18)
  5. The Crown of Life                    ( Rev 2 :10, 1John2:25)

I love the group "Casting Crowns".  A good reminder of Rev 4:10-11.

The vision of John which he saw " the 24 elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever.  They lay their crowns before the throne and say ' You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you have created all things and by your will, they were created and have their being"

Unlike some of the trees that exhibit "crown shyness', I believe that YWHW wants all of us who know Him not to be shy at the coronation of crowns when the time comes.

We shall learn not to count our days or crown our own merit while on earth.  But rather live a life that makes the day count so that we receive our crowns later in eternity.

Amen? Amen! Amen! Amen! & Amen!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...