Tuesday, March 15, 2022

20220315- YHWH answers Prayers! St Georges Church

15th March 2022...At St Georges Church!

Reflections of the Day

It was a Tuesday morning at about 10am when we first set off for a short bike.
The sun was shining nicely.
Took a little ride into Loewen Road via Ridout this time to Redhill. 
Had a Ya Kun kopi and toast.

Then.... the sky looked threatening!

As I biked, I prayed! Many times! aloud and at times singing a prayer!

Guess what?

The LORD hears this simple prayer!

Just as we reached our car porch, the rain came down hard ! Yet...

Yet....we were DRY! WOO HOOO!

What a mighty God we serve!
 Luke 11:10
For everyone that asks receives!


20220312- 57 years on....

What goes up and never comes down?


Well well, am enjoying this process.  Couldn't been better! 
Old wine taste better than the new.
Old ginger is more feisty than the young.

Tarts and muffins and minis....


Friday, March 11, 2022

20220310- A Pauline Memory at Changi Sailing Club! Day & Night!

The changing scenes of a setting sun on this windy day @ CSC!


Covid had caused separation to many...
It had been more than 3 years since we met up !

20220308_Fort Siloso : To war or not to war?


8/3/22 Visited Fort Siloso.  A remembrance of war...

As this is written, the Russian and Ukraine war has just started on 24/2/2022.
So this impromptu trip to Sentosa on a late morning was a good educational visit once again.  About the war in 1830s to 1942 in little Red Dot. A sad reminder of Japanese Occupation days. Horror.

But as said, King Solomon's wisdom in his book of Ecclesiastes.  There is a time for EVERYTHING....under the sun.

And this tall tree is a reminder of God's in Sovereign control!


So here is the great video recap...

Thursday, March 3, 2022

20220227-Bukit Chandu & Opium history!

 On a sat outing to bukit chandu! 27th Feb 2022

Guns and INVASION 

On Top of the Chandu Hill Overlooking...

Oh No ! Opium History!

The Malayan Regiment!


20220225_Napkin Experiment & Dining

A NAPKIN Folding Experiment!! Using unused brooches!

and a test on  VIP Guest in the evening!


20220222- The One and Only 22222! & Kite surfing @ Changi!

 The ONE and ONLY 22222!

Guess where we went on this unique day?

Changi Beach again!

To witness an awesome Kite Surfing after a wonderful lunch!


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...