Monday, April 25, 2022

20220425 - The Morning of 3 Planet sightings! Saturn-Venus-Jupiter

This April 2022 - 4 visible planets can be seen from Earth in Straight Alignment!

Can U spot Saturn beside the moon?

So on this 25/4/2022 Mon morning, I started planet gazing at about 6:15am.
Lo and Behold, I managed to spot THREE ....
yes Saturn, Venus and Jupiter! Missed Mars!


Here is the video clip!


Some reflections on our Planets and Little Earth!
Look around , across and above....
Enjoy the wonders of His Creation!


Saturday, April 16, 2022

20220415 Good Friday!

Finally, after 2 years of Lockdown, the lemon tree produced its first fruit! First lemon and the second one blooming too! What a joy!

Also make a fish statement for the last 2 years! Thanks for the feeding by our neighbour!

And the 17 fishes remained. One died.  It was Lihao which perished. Covid came and still on...but these fishes had their world of their own in the pond. Survived! And all had grown in length and sideways! At least 11-12 inches now!

And so came Good Friday 14/4/22, decided to sing praise unto Him!

Amazing Grace!

Found a new golf place at Leisure Farm!
Now known as Senibong Golf!

Found a new place to play PB! At Educity!
4 badminton courts!

2 years on....

Trees and bushes overgrown.
Fishes lengthened.
Of the 3 palm trees, one overshot the other 2!

Life goes on....

Saturday, April 2, 2022

20220401-Covid 2 years later...Border oh Border! HOME?


A day befor 1/4/22 the JB border opens....saw this BORDER Collie!

Her name was Apa. She is only 1-year old, what a beautiful white and brown! Kind of weird name, belong to a French family here.
A Border Collie breed dog.  Kind of reminded me of the coming April 1st 2022 opening of JB-Spore BORDER!

Gosh, it as been TWO years since the 2 causeways were closed.  Time flies.

The humans crossings of about 400,000 commuters suddenly came to a halt for almost 2 years.

Quiet. Beat the  Jam apps became irrelevant simply because there was NO JAM and so there was NOTHING to beat.

So 1 April 2022 is not an April Fool joke.  Yes, families are going to be RE-UNITED after 2 years of separation.  

ON 2/4/22, a friend vidoed above busker @ MBFC singing 
"Home" by Michael Buble. 
An old song of over 10 years back.  Yes, how many happy faces will we be seeing across the little straits.  
HOME SWEET HOME for the many separated ...
To touch and to feel
the warmth of each embrace
Nothing like ....Face to Face.


Like what Jesus said, "I am going to prepare a place for you..."

So yes, now getting ready the JB home once again.  Miss my fish.  

House Cleaning Time! Yeah!

Shd be RM210 for 5 hours of labour, not 185...

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...