Sunday, June 26, 2022

20220624 Spider Man Movie

WWW! 24th June 2022
Wonderful Web World!

What a wonderful world of web!

A Surprise sighting of Spidey this morning!

And I finally bought the steel box fence 

Got the trellis up!

Hope my cucumber loves it and climb as well as spidey!

Monday, June 20, 2022

20220617-All about STEELS, STONES & SUCKERS !

17th June 2022, the Garden Restarts begin..after 2 years haitus

From this......

To This! A new lease of life, Steel!

And the moving of my stones!

The best part is this...the SUCKER fishes in pond!


Since the borders opened in April 2022, I had the chance to rebuild my 'Garden"!

Rebuilding the plots with new recycled ideas from the leftover steels scaffolding!

Re-sprayed them for the trellis in the coming weeks.

Re-Moving some of those black grey and white stones from the side of the house to line my vegetables. ( was thinking...a few "missing" should be hardly noticed! Muahaha)

The backyard is simply to clay-eeeee.

To buy the garden boxes was a litte expensive to do the open tranches. 

So decided that perhaps to dig a little and meet half way was the cheaper alternative.

However, one of the highlights this week was simply watching in awe of those fish "ATTACKING" the pandan leaves in VENGEANCE ! They were chomping and chuking at them that I couldn't help but to video them. LOL

Also planted some Money Plant around one dead palm tree!

1 Tim 6:19

One of the most misquoted bible verses ever!

Money is not evil. OK?

It is the LOVE of $$$$$ that is! GREED!

More Reflections??

Well many often commented that money does not grow on trees.

Well, kind of true isn't it?

We had it supposedly good to enjoy the Garden of Life - no toil!

So, let's say we blame on Adam and Eve bah!

Who asked them to eat that Tree of Knowledge?

Yah, let's blame on that sneaky serpent ( yaks saw a snake in the garden this week)

So, who else can we now put the blame that we ought to work 6 days and rest 1 day now after being chased out of the splendid garden?

So, my friends, yes $ cannot grow on trees now ok?

YOU GOTTA WORK! Earn your keeps! Plan for your RETIREMENT !!! Got it???

After, slogging for over xxx years.....I finally got it too.....

So I started growing my $ plants around that DEAD Tree! HMMMMHHHHH!



Hope to get back to the FINAL Garden in the FUTURE soon!

The new Jerusalem! Yeah!

Rev 12 : New Jerusalem has a "River of life, bright as crystal, proceeding our of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. and on this side and on that side of the river was the TREE of LIFE, producing 12 fruits, yielding its fruit in each month"

So while still stuck on this lump of earth, I had to STEEL some new ideas, Stone my brain, and watching those fish in the pond SUCKERED out my boredom and splashed out news ideas for my garden project now this season!

Enjoy working in the garden. 

But at the same time, dying to visit the better perfect Garden awaiting for me !

In the meantime, may we pray Psalm 1...
that the godly are like a tree planted in the water that yield leaves that never wither!

Stay close to the River that offers us LIFE!



Sunday, June 12, 2022

20220610- LH 360 degrees Lakeside Walk, Windmills & Golf restart! Oh Corgis


Morning Lakeside view ! Misty beau! 10th June 2022

When the cold and hot air comes together...mist above the lake is formed.

Toying with different windvanes....

Restarted the golf after so many years...

Dragon Vegetables! First time frying..big bunch to nothing!

Visited a Corgi Cafe! Oh Corgis!

20220601_Hey 66th John!

Celebrating 66th for Dearest

Thursday, June 2, 2022

20220531- Myanmar Memory!Mya Mya!

 Time Flies! On 31/5/22, a surprise get together with 3 ladies !


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...