Saturday, July 23, 2022

20220721 - Glucose, Potatoes & Soil and Revival!


21/7/22 - Attempting to grow Potatoes!

Potatoes - carbo! Bad for diabetic persons!
20/6/22 was my shocking date!
Praying hard.....

Loving my nagging John!


The parable of the Sower or the Soils !
This is so true!
The condition of the soil is so important to fruitfulness!


Just finished watching the video of Spore's 1972 Clock Tower revival!
I was then only 7 years old!
Now 50years on....Little red dot is celebrating her 57th birthday!
Will we have another REVIVAL soon?

Felt impressed to sing this Don Moen song "Take me deeper ".

What does revival mean to you?

Perhaps for me , it sums up in this word "THIRST"

For the beattitudes once said, blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. [Matt 5:6]

So indeed it is!

Revival is THIRST....
R- Revival
T- Time



20220719- CapitaSpring Bike

 On 19th July 2022, decided to bike to CapitaSpring! All in 16 km

Started at 4:45 pm ....home 8:30!

On 51st Floor


Saturday, July 16, 2022

20220716_ The Goodness of God by Backyard singer Mui!


16/7/2022 Looking out at the backyard with my Kopi and Guitar!

Enjoying the sunrise at 7 plus

Thinking of the Goodness of God.
Decided to sing it!
Love the lyrics

20220714_LH walk and Garden Progress! Cherry Tomatoes

Papaya Leaf! Notice the structure of the leaf? 5 Spokes and 7 leaves!

Morning has broken !


Saturday, July 9, 2022

20220707 Oh Frogman! Oh Garden!

Hey! Caught you napping in the plastic bag! Froggy!

And you are BROWN and not Green!

Guess Kermit was green. So thought all green except toads!

I was wrong! Muahahah

And thanks to my sister who gave me her plants for free! Indian Borage, Brazilian Spinach & the Goldfish Plant! Well the money plant is growing. So it the Thai coriander!

And learning from the recent botanic gallop walk, decided to trim all the undergrowth of the old lemon tree! Got another lemon! Yeah! Hope more to come! Now it looks much more neat!


Christ as the Gardener!

John 20:14-16. After his resurrection, Mary thought Jesus was the gardener when she met him!

In many ways , yes , Jesus is our Gardener  (John 15) who prunes and make us into what he wants us to be. Just look at the variety of plant and vegetables! Even my friend used the BrazIian spinach to feed her chickens! We find them a little hard to eat.  Got to boil it or cook them well! 

Beginning to enjoy my soul gardening in JB. 

Learning to prepare the ground , plan the trellises. Getting to know the types of vegetables better!

Into the garden , opens my quiet time with Him!


Saturday, July 2, 2022

20220629- BP Durian Trip #2 for EBYNEPE Group! Eleanor Exercise!


Durian Trip #2 on 29/6/22!

The day before the Durian.....also a feast time!

And we had such a wonderful exercise led by E!

Then Breakfast at the GOOD TIMES

ATV Session @ Albert's durian farm!


E's exercise at the park! Video!

The Summary of the "GOOD LIFE"


Still have "excess" for tips for the tour guides at the end of the night after the Dong Seoul dinner! RM20 left!
Each paid RM200 to the coffer!
2D1N JB/BP trip!

Aha! What Datuk did on 28/6/22...
We also did it on 29/6/22! He on Heli, we on cars!

Plus added Bonus Kopi!


The abridge video of BP Farm here!

20220625 - Batu Pahat Farm & Boars!

A little reunion of friends in Batu Pahat after more than 2.5 years!
Thanks to Covid!
At Albert's durian farm on 26/6/22!

Above, G brought us to see these wild boars behind their home!
Yes, they are wild and came out to look for food nightly!
Apparently , a kind of "tourist" attraction for many!

Din realise their little home farm had expanded during covid!

Fish Tilapia!

Complete Fish Home made System!


Big Chicken Cage!

Guess what their chickens eat??? Brazilian Spinach! Vegetarian Chickens!

Make a guess! What is this cone for?

and the answer!
Ingenious way of .....

And there goes chikus...mangoesteens, avocado trees...sugarcane...bananas...purple chillies...lemon grass...pandans...

Love the durian and home farm!


20220625 - Rainbow!!! Gunung Pulai/ Batu Pahat Durian #1

 25/6/22! What an awesome sighting of this rainbow!


I remember we did this Pulai walk way back in around 2017?
So post Covid 2022, here we go again!
But this time only 2/3 of the mountain due to John's knees.

Made a little detour to Batu Pahat with a group of new friends after this trek! Durian 101 Farm!

Thanks to KP & MH for inviting us back to Pulai!
Enjoying JB with a almost 360 degrees view from the top!
Overlooking Tuas Causeway and elsewhere!
Loving the Infinity Pools!


Friday, July 1, 2022

20220622-I light SG


The once a year light up in Little Red Dot!

in the Light!

 John1:5 :-
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The power of light! Darkness has no place when Light comes. Darkness overwhelmed by light!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...