Sunday, October 30, 2022

20221028_Preparing for Christmas 2022!

 It is October 2022! Time to doll up for Christmas!

Got more balls and ribbons to top up the tree!

Couldn't get the poinsettia so made do with roses ! (S$16)

More ribbons!

A new Merry Christmas sign board!

4 cute little head gears!

For this!


Was happily listening to Christmas songs as I prepared the ribbons and dolling up the tree decor ! Here is the video of a job accomplished! Yeah!

Love Christmas season! A reminder of why Jesus Christ had to be born in a manger!

For ME!......

Thursday, October 27, 2022

20221027 - Starhill Golf!

 Tried this New golf at Starhill! 27th Oct 2022

On route , at Kempas saw these old planes!

Not sure if it was post Covid effect?

But today 9 hole golf was pretty exhausting. 

Had lunch thereafter and went home for a long nap from 2 plus till almost 5pm! Oh my!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

20221021- 3-in1 Parks at Eko Botani


The Rustic Lake at LH


The ones at Eko Botani!


Saturday, October 8, 2022

20221008_Flights of Life ! Parrot @ Emerald Vs Drone @Sunway


8th Oct 2022 . Watching a Little Parrot@ Emerald Lake!

Then the drone @ Sunway obscure road!

Awesome sunrise @ 7:10am

Quite ironical. Feather light birds in heavy metal cage!


Bagel Lunch!

All about Bagels!


Here is the video!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

20221006- Mist & Mars

6th Oct 2022. 6:30am. A layer of mist hanging over…
6:15am. Clear sky. Caught Orion and Mars


Heb 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear 

Faith is given so that we might understand creation 

The morning Orion and Mars seen by my naked eye from planet earth millions of light years away. 

This morning the layer of mist hovering above the grassland. 

When the sun rises, both the Orion and Mars and Mist “disappears “ in the back drop of the light. 

Only to appear again at the wee hours of the morning when the darkness comes before the dawn light. 


Not about how we feel

Feelings is faith not. 

The sun rises and sets irrespective of how we feel of the day. 

The constellations still hang over us over seasons



Saturday, October 1, 2022

20221001- 360 degree walk Emerald Lake

Nice stroll at 7:10am on 1/19/22……

The sun is risen…..

Here is the video!

20220930- The E of LIFE

 Getting around exploring Puteri Harbour on this day

Discovered 3 new places !

1. Estuari Residences

2. Emerald Bay

3. Emerald Lake

Coming back home I could not help thinking about the other E of life. 

That E which stands for ETERNITY ?

The book of Revelation talks about the river of life in Heaven.  It also mentioned the 12 gems that lay the foundations in the City above.  And Emeralds - one of the gems 

This month on 8th Sep 2022 saw the passing of another lady whose name starts with E! She was Queen Elizabeth. Age 96 .  Reign as queen over UK for 70 years. Her death was marked by 2 double rainbows on the day of death. What an assurance of His covenant Al love for her. It is finished for her. RIP. 


As believers in Christ, we ought to remember that this earth is only temporal. The houses we now lived in are also temporary. 

We came into this world naked. So back to ashes as we depart. 

For all that we have achieved in this world, the glories and the work done would also perish like Queen E. 

Like Queen Elizabeth , she was laid to rest. Her reign was taken over by her son Prince Charles.  He now crowned as King 

However, may we never forget that there is an Eternal Reigning King who rule over nations for eternity. Earthly kings and queens may come and go. 

BUT, he is unchangeable. 

The earth is just His footstool. 

One of the astronomers Carl Sagan , he quoted “ Earth is just a pale blue dot as seen from space. “

So may our hearts continue to have that sense of longing for eternity. As what King Solomon penned in his book of Ecclesiastes. 



The Video of the E….

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...