Tuesday, January 31, 2023

20230131 Bukit Batok Park walk & Birds of the air!

First time walking around this BB park!
In search of the Black & white houses!
And yes . Found them along Lor Sesuai!
Better still, saw the laughing birds !

White crested laughing thrush!

The green grounds and big trees were so awesome!

Here is the video!
Good short little walk from 10-11:15am
Under the cool weather !
About 24 degrees?


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

20230222- The Year of the Rabbit

Just Hopped over to a new Floppy Year 2023!


And it is all about family reunions and gatherings...a tradition to uphold!

Friday, January 20, 2023

20230120- Sunbirds nesting again@LH

Oh sunbirds are back to nest! Jan2023!

It was in 2020 Covid lockdown that a nest built directly outside our main door. Cos no human movements!

Prior to that one nest was built on the other side of the porch. But today, they built near the ladder!

This is our 3rd nesting here!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

20230113- Sunset @ Elysia . His Majesty.


The Majesty Crown @ Sunset @ Elysia
13th jan 2023


After this recent posting, just found out that the author of the song "Majesty" just passed on 9/1/23. Jack Hayford who wrote this worship song which I used to sing when I became a Christian back in 1989 thereabout.

Nothing but the best to be able to worship His Majesty - the king of kings and the lord of lord over all the nations on this earth. Over every tribe and tongues. His Kingdom authority. His kingdom come .

Each time as I behold the rising and setting sun, I choose to recall His Majesty for creating this awesome sun and the earth on which I am held to the ground by gravity.  The seas that stay around the surface of this globe.  Christopher Columbus who discovered that the earth was not flat but round.  The orbit that rotates to its precision. 

Each morning when you rise, may you give thanks for the risen sun. For the warmth it brings.
Each evening when you lay down , may you give thanks for the sun that sets. For the moon and stars that glow in the dark and the little sparkling lights it bring.

Give thanks.  His Majesty. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

20230110 AWE - motherhen & ducklings

Morning! To 10th Jan 2023!

A male chicken is called a cock

A female chicken is called a hen

What do u call a male duck? DRAKE!

Then what do u call a female duck? Heh heh!


My classMate an avid photographer shot this at Kallang River during his usual walk few days ago. 

I was pretty mesmerized by it. Reminded me of my starting of online journaling in 2010 with my blog which I named from Matt23:37. As a hen gathers. 

Was reading an article about AWE few days ago. 

Guess this photo of the straight line ducklings behind their mother is one of them! So cute! It is an AWE! 

“When you are in the presence of something vast and indescribable, you feel smaller, and so does your negative chatter “- Ethan Kross


Stars In the sky remind us of the massive mindbloggling universe. The roars of the ocean waves remind us of the depths and the creatures of the sea.  Sunrise and sunsets reminds us of the atmosphere around this little globe 🌎. The sun rises and sets promptly each day.  The earth rotates in the right seconds and angle as the Lord had set. 

So the mother and the duckling captured reminded me of the Creator’s love and compassion for His children. 

The ABC of life. 

Awe.  Beckons. Come. 

Start to learn to awe. And Come to the Creator. Yeah!

AWE- SOME…thing today!

20230101- Vertigo KL & Mederka118!

This year end 2022 was crossed over in KL to 2023!


Here is the video of the KL cross over 2022-2023 trip!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...