Thursday, March 30, 2023

20230314 Strolling down S’pore River & old collectibles shop!

 Oh what a cool and breezy Tuesday 14 Mar 2023!

Heh heh! A Big Fat Bird!!


Another Tuesday with Mui! No PB ….but met old PB friends instead! 

After lunch, passed by an old old collectibles shop next to Chinatown Complex! An old gem. 

Enquired about a Xinjiang tour at the agency. But found out  that all the 14 day tour was a different hotel EVERYDAY! We faint! So chances not going. πŸ˜‚ 

Off to spore River thereafter. Surprisingly it was a cool windy day! Nice stroll!

Enjoy the little Tuesday with Mui video!

God is Good!


20230328- A Starry Reflection

28/3/23 - a night of planetery alignment!

28/3/23 nite was supposed to be an alignment of 5 planets!  Did u see them?

But alas, at the poolside even with my bingo, I could not sight all except ONE : however, I managed to see many stars! Orion, Betelgeuse (orange), Sirus and even Capella plus the bonus Loney Planet Mars. What a HEAVENLY  STARS eye feast ! 星星眼福!( I want to thank my fellow star gazers who sent in their fair share of photos. My Old Iphone7 was experiencing “cataract” issues. Cannot see clearly πŸ˜‚. Their photos were captured using Samsung S908 or a iPhone 14! Woseh New powerful lens!)

Actually few nites back on 25/3/23, I had a different “STAR” feast too! An EARTHLY though. 名星眼福!He is non other than the Red STAR rising XZ from πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ ! 

In my earthly pilgrimage here, I am blessed to have 3 ⭐️ men I love! πŸ’• πŸ’— 
1. First is JC. Jesus Christ who was born in a manger where the STAR led the wise men to! Over 2022 years back. 

2. Another JC. Heh heh. John Chow lah. My love from the STAR of 32 years in matrimony!

3. Lastly , this young man XZ- talented and gifted.  A 32 YO superSTAR actor and singer in the C drama “The Oath of Love” that I came to know only in 2022? 

So these are the STARRY Starry ⭐️ men I loved. ❤️ Muahaha

XZ inspired me to create my Mui Studios logo for my Vlog. He studied design in the university. 

But thru him too I learn about Weibo, WeChat , Tencent QQ and all the social media stuff. They are the equivalent of the West FB Twitter IG blah blah blah!

And the best of all, he is into TENNIS as his favorite sports! Like my Roger Federer, he seems to be that kind of man of grace!

Hope to see XZ on the court with WU yinbing ( the current first male tennis pro who ranked 58 in 2023! Age 23. ) or even an exhibition match with Roger in due time! That will be great! 

Cos in Milan this year, XZ became a hot search in the west regarding fashion. Gucci and Tods spokesman. My eyes were opened to the world of fashion cat walks! Dunno who was Elli Saab ( XZ wore this brand) until weibo night. 

That night he looked like a Prince Charming. πŸ˜‚ under the host of stars ⭐️ 

But back to reality. Next Friday we will celebrate Good Friday. This is the Prince of Peace. Born under the big ⭐️ JC came to make this mark on our dates. He drew the line between BC and AD. He is real for sure as history marks this date - His birth. His death. And his resurrection 3 days later. Not about Easter bunny hor. So when u enjoy your public holiday- may you wonder why…..

In the mean time, it is Twinke Twinke Little star… may you wonder who you are!

Enjoy the video about stars! Yeah!!!

If God can name all the stars, surely we are more loved than Capella , Sirus or Betelgeuse!


Here is the video!

Monday, March 27, 2023

20230327 - Mui Studios Logo Launched!

 Decided to design a endling logo “Mui Studios” for my Vlog!

After playing with it ,

Came up with this design! Yeah!

Friday, March 17, 2023

20230317 muisings hand-I-crafts

This is Mui’s hand shadow!
 Hands photo taken during a 17/3/22 morning. Stroll

Feeling appreciative over the simple pair of hands

Musing over Christ’ nailed hands 


Here is the hands video


Monday, March 13, 2023

20230308_MS@LH with Avira & harp experience!

3D2N Staycation @LH 8th March 2023



A harp experience!

Full experience...Morning exercises...Avira..Kota Iskandar...Pickleball...Emerald Bay..Horizon Hills Harp...Puteri Cove....

20240703 Durian Party @ Beverly!

 ************************ The night of old and new friendships forged.  Old of more than 50 years! New of a first meet by one! Savorinf  the...