Wednesday, June 28, 2023

20230626_Van Gogh Immersive Experience

26/7/23 - what an awesome experience at the Van Gogh exhibition at RWS Sentosa!

The video:-

A tragic life story of this creative artist, Van Gogh

His quotes:-
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars make me dream “

“I often think that the night is more alive and more richly coloured than the day”

“I try more and more to be myself, caring relatively little whether people
Approve or disapprove”

“I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

“Normality is a paved road; it’s comfortable to walk , but no flowers grow on it”

“If you hear a voice within you say”You cannot paint” , then by all means paint and that your voice will be silenced”

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”

“What colour is in a picture , enthusiasm is in life”

“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well”

“I cannot help thinking that the best way of knowing GOD is to love many things.  Love this friend, this person, this thing, whatever you like, and you will be on the right road to understanding Him better”

“Love always brings difficulties, that is true, but the good side of it is that it gives energy”

“But you must love with a sublime, genuine profound sympathy, with devotion, with intelligence and you must try all the time to understand Him more, better and yet more.  That will lead to God, that will lead to an unshakeable faith”

“I dream of painting , then I dream my dream”

What a dreamer VG was!
He was a star gazer for sure!
He was dead right about the colours of the night better than the day!

Recently I too have been star and planet gazing. Looking at the triangle conjunction of Venus and the moon and mars!

VG swirls perhaps came from his dream of the universe Milky Way and galaxy. So much of the resemblance of what we can now see
Thru the Hubble telescope. 
The colours of the night- cannot be made even with our human paint of colours.  

Such is our Creator God. 
There is such a mystery of the heavenly skies above. Where man has yet to capture. 
We with the plane can fly to about 10.000m above. 
There is also a big deep blue sea mystery where we man , cannot even submarine to beyond 4000m! The Titan which perished recently before it could reach the sunken Titanic is a great lesson for us man.
What is this lesson?
Man. We a just a tiny little being on this planet hanging in the Universe. A planet- it rotates constantly to give us day and nite. Its revolution gives us seasons of life. 

VG quotes pointed many a times to such a God. He too expressed Love in many of his quotes. 

Yes. God is love. And Love is God. 

Both intertwined. 

So I totally agree with what VG had written. 

“I cannot help thinking that the best way of knowing GOD is to love many things.  Love this friend, this person, this thing, whatever you like, and you will be on the right road to understanding Him better”

So hope you will also start to love many things in life. Pursue love. And love is always chasing after you. If only you would also pause and gaze into the starry starry night ,
Like what VG did. 

Do you have dreams?

Dream on. 


Do you know that suicide is illegal in red dot? Just about last mth, Malaysia law makers are getting this overturned in their land. 

VG - Did he really commit this act with that revolver?
His letters to his brother Theo reflected his belief in God. Yet, did he really die in suicide? 

When the day I stand before the Big White Throne , would I be able to see
This great artist VG too?

Such is a mystery.  Only when the day comes I would know. The curious me. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

20230624- Chasing Vines!

The Lord Planted a garden Genesis 2

Started reading this book which I bought at the Doulous ship last month.
"Chasing Vines"  by Beth Moore

Indeed there are so many references to the Vines, Vineyard and the vine-dresser in the bible.

I was also not aware that grapes - originated in the Syria/ Egypt area too.

The manure part was funny! Indeed! Sometimes life stinks! The The vines need manure, so do we to grow!

And at the end of our life, let us live it in such a way that we know we meant something!

And to remember and cling on tightly to this truth
"He is the Vine and we are the Branches"
"Apart from Him, we are nothing"

Sometimes at the end of the day, may we know that in fact the Vine-dresser, 
Our Creator God
is always the One who is chasing after us.


Because He loved us .


It was on this Saturday morning that I picked up my guitar and happily strumming to this Canto Pop song by Sam Hui.  The Wandering Song ...

Here goes!


20230622-New bridge (Sungai Pulai) to Tanjong Piai / Kukup !

 Driving on the newly opened Sungei Pulai Bridge on 22/6/23!
Bridge was opened in Jan 2023 after the first construction in 2017.
 Finally, it cuts travelling time from Tuas to Kukup by 50%!



Johor has  quite a number of nature places to visit.
Piai is one of such a place.
Took a walk on this very HOT thuDAY around this national park.

Can you imagine that we are standing at the southern most tip of the peninsula?


Sunday, June 18, 2023

20230618- My Father was a Carpenter - Kitchen makevover reflections!


The Kitchen makeover process was quite an eye opener.

I love to watch HGTV home makeovers! But this time, solely kitchen!

I never realized how important the skills of a carpenter or quartz table man or electrician or a plumber can be so interconnected. Measurement must be precise. The accuracy and skills of such a person are so important. 

The mistakes by the carpenter & the quartz cutter caused unnecessary delays and wastage of materials.

Perhaps this is life.

Perhaps Jesus who grew up in the home of a carpenter, trained as one, had profound life long foundations for us to take home. All the skills requirement?

  • C - Calculation skills
  • A - Artisan skills
  • R - Responsibility skills
  • P - Precision skills
  • E - Experience skills
  • N - Neatness skills
  • T - Technical skills
  • E - Equipping skills
  • R - Respect skills
The kitchen makeover requires lots of teamwork!
It hinges not on just the carpenter.  But on the rest of the other teams too.

This whole process reminded me of the need for the body.
The main coordinator to helm the teams together.
The 'schedular'so that the parts and pieces can be layered upon step by step.

Kitchen makeover.  It is a process. It took about 10 days for actual completion. Provided that there were no hiccups in the measurement aspects.

Wrongs can be made right. This is what I have learnt.

All it requires was just some extension of time.

Is this not liken to our own life journey?

We still and can make mistakes in life.
But we thank God we have Jesus as our Savior .  He is our chief Carpenter of our life. He measures, he cuts, he chips, he sands and he reconstructs. 
From nothing to something useful.

Thank God.

What a potent reminder of our life . Amen!

20230615_Weaver Nests! BP Durian Again

Hey! Guess what we found during this BP Durian trip? A Baya bird weaver nest!

The Male and Female Weaver Nest!

The 2023 Trip for the 12!
Morning at Good Times Cafe & Evening at Peking Restaurant! 


From the eyes of Mui!

From the eyes of KP!


Bringing home the Buah Long long!

Doing the BLL Mocktail the next day!

And the following day, sister S turned the BLL into appetizers!
What a gorgeous fruit!


We have been to Albert's farm several times. But this is the first time I saw  weaver nests! Brought one home! LOL

To keep our sunbirds some company!

An amazing Baya bird - the Papa bird building its nest by flying over 500 trips.  The intricate nest that provides the bird a standing place in the centre of the nest!
Papa bird trying to attract the mama with an elongated nest for laying the eggs!


Today is Father's Day ! Yeah, a great day to remember the papas of this world, the humans and all the creatures big and small.

But most importantly, to awe at our Father God - the Creator of all of us.

The weaving of such an unique nest - by baya or sunbirds, is a testament to His Faithfulness. From the book Matthew.  

Look at the birds of the air!
Our Father feeds them and clothes them.




20230605-I light Singapore with Charlotte

This is Exhibit #1 -I light at Art Science Museum, June 2023

Our very own Singapore Light Installation!

Done by a 30 yo plus young designer!


Lights are fascinating.
Light breaks darkness.
It is no wonder that Jesus declared Himself as "the light of the world"

We had a wonderful night bike on 5 June 2023.
Even though it was a monday.
But it seemed it was SLeepless in Singapore!
Even up till midnite at McDonalds outlet, throngs of people were eating !

Covid days seemed to be over.


Back to some norms!


Here is the video!


Saturday, June 3, 2023

20230527- Car wash & Tim sum

 Today managed to Vlog this efficient and cheap car wash process! All done in less than 15 min! Both outside and inside ! Wow!

And had Tim Sum after this cleaning !


20230601- Hey Blessed John 67th! & Kulai Art Street! Starfish Farm

A little red "Ferrari" for beloved's birthday! Muahaha!
AND a simple apple carrot raisin oat cake!

Guess where we headed to after 12 noon?


Hmm...found that the Kulai Art Street was pretty COOL!


Then Off to StarFish Farm!


Here is the video !

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...