Recently in June 2010, scientists have found a way to translate those eruptions of the sun flares into music. Very interesting. You can hear that music of the sun in the links above.
Actually the sun is a *star. What are they and what are they made of? Surprisingly, there are merely made of largely about 75% hyrdrogen and 25% helium and of course other gases.
Something struck me thinking after my keyboard lesson this evening. In the study of the Mystery Babylon, I was led to Rev 18:22. there will come a time "where the music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters will never be heard again" REALLY? I love music and this really woke me up. And then I came across this article of how scientists had recently decoded the song of the sun. Some people thinks it sounded like the "F" - f-a-c chord tone. Have a hear.
- S*- Splendor & Supernatural Creation
I am reminded of Genesis 1. No one today fully understands the universe - the sun, the moon and the stars and the world of cosmos in the outer atmosphere of our little planet earth. Scientists are still in the midst of discovering new things - like the recent music of the sun conorary flares.
The bible answers it all. In the beginning...
And in Day4, God created the sun and the moon and the stars. And they were given authority. Yes - to govern the day and the night!
We are His supernatural creation. In 1 Cor 15:38-41. God gives each of us a body as he has determined. All flesh is not the same; Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. There are also heavenly bodies and there are earth bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind and the splendor of earthly is another.
The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and the star differs from star in splendor. WOW!
2. T*- Time : The day of the Lord is at hand
The article talks about the sun's activity- when the solar flare production increases, the resulting "space storm" can have catastrophic results here on earth, destroying electronic equipment, overheating power grids and damaging satellites. Nasa warned that the sun's activity is starting to increase following an extended period of low activity and is on course to throw out unprecendented levels of magnetic energy into the solar system by 2013. (that's about 3 years' time...)
Luke 21 talks about the signs of the end of age. In verse15:" There will be signs int he sun, moon and stars"
In Joel, 3 times, V2:10,, 2:31 & 3:15" The sun and moon will be darkened and the stars no longer shine" In King James, it says "withdraw their shining"
Acts2:20 and Rev 6:12 speaks about "the sun turned to darkness/ black and the moon to blood/ red"
Well well, so if the sun is now making music, when the time comes where it darkened, the flares will no long be flaring, & there shall be no longer music. Rev18:22 Music stops? Kind of sad, isn't it?
3. A*- Awestruck?
By which time, when this happens - well it could be in our lifetime of this generation, we will all be awestruck and fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim He is the amazing God! Like the song by Chris Tomlin "Indescribable" which I just learnt this evening "Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night - Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name - You are amazing God, all powerful, untamable...." (God has given us 10 fingers - Learning keyboard just made me realise how difficult it can be to coordinate the brain and finger actions! Some of the fingers on the left and right hand just fail to obey what I want it to do! This waltz rhythm is very tough! Walking those fingers is not an easy feat! Ha ha!)
Something for fun: Try using your right hand and leg to move in opposite direction - you will realise that the leg will auto be in syn with your hand on top...
4. R* - Rend our Heart -Seek Refuge in the Sun of Righteousness - Jesus, Son of God
Joel exhorts us to repent and return to the Lord with all our heart with fasting weeping and mourning. Joel2:13 Rend our hearts and not our garments. Return to the LORD our God for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turned and have pity and leave behind a blessing..
Mal4:2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Final thoughts:
Even when the physical sun stops shining, we have a spiritual sun of righteousness who is imcomparable and unchangeable. When the music fades and all is stripped away, let us come to the very heart of worship of Almighty Heavenly Father. Some third world countries do not even have proper electricity - so one cannot really have the keyboard to play. But out of the heart the mouth speaks. The Lord has given us an amazing vocal chords that can produce lovely harmonious music (unless one is tone-death). Together with that and a right heart of attitude, we can still please our Father above. Even the dumb and mute can worship. It is the heart the Lord seeks.