Have been pondering over rainbows of late. Ever since the Lord painted the 3rd one for me on 8/7/2010 at the tennis court.
I was reminded of my previous rainbows - the 2nd in 2004, Perth and the very first sighting in 2003.
Back then I thought the word rainbow was only found in Genesis 9 and Revelation 10 (first and last book of our bible). But now I realised that Ezekiel wrote about the likeness of the glory of the LORD - glowing metal as if full of fire, brilliant light surround him. Ez 1:28 "Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him"
Life is like a rainbow. It will be full of ups and downs. But it is still a rainbow - full of colours. Life is not black and white. It changes in seasons - displaying the colors of spring, summer , autumn and winter. At the end of the rainy day, the clouds will come out and the sun will still shine! (This you can bet on!) With rain showering through the glorious sun rays - light is deflected and the bow is formed. We get a RAIN+BOW!
So, remember when you behold a rainbow - we remember Yeshua - the Covenantal God of love.
Let our hearts leap for joy and hope. May our faith be steadfast - in Him and Him we trust and revere. He remembers us. We only need to believe.
My first attempt in making a youtube movie...RAINBOW. A bit amateurish must admit. Abrupt in the ending because I do not know how to fade off the music as yet.
All photos/ videos taken personally using the old Casio Exlim, Sony and the recent one via the I-phone. The first photo was from the Marina Barrage with the Marina Bay Sands as backdrop. A very nice place indeed to fly kites. The aero display was from the apartment in the reverse direction of MBS taken on our very own 45th national day 9/8/2010. Memories of the 3 rainbows captured over the last 7 years (what a perfect number!), spanning over 2003 and 2010. Fireworks? Those were taken in 2008 at the Fireworks festival.
Like rainbows, fireworks are awesome to watch. One is natural glory, whereas the other man made. Both display what the brilliance of light is like. The shekinah glory of Yeshua - I believe is beyond such comparison. But this is perhaps just a glimpse of His glory. Greater things are yet to come! Beautiful song by Chris Tomlin.
It is my prayer that you be lifted up in spirit as you view this music video. Intercede for our nation. Worship Yeshua, the King of Kings and Lords of Lords - Hosanna in the highest!
Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen [Rev:22:20-21]
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