Then on 10/9/2010, along with a couple of friends, we decided to go kite-flying again! But alas, this time, the wind was rather weak and so we could not really launch it.
It was then we decided to literary 'chase after the wind' by moving from the Marina to Labrador Park and then to the West Coast, then back to MARINA by night fall. As it turned out, there was no wind at all these places too. So we could not launch the kites! Kind of disappointing and anti-climax!
This futile effort brought to my mind of King Soloman's search of the meaning of life. Wisdom, pleasures, toil, achievements, advancement, riches, wealth, possessions, honour, appetites -all are but " a chasing of the wind"
Ecclesiates is only a 12-chapter book. But the verse "a chasing after the wind ' is repeated 8 times! V1:14, 17, 2:11, 17 & 26, 4:4, 16 & 6:9!
What did the kite-flying lesson teach me?
1. We are like kites who needs the wind of the Holy Spirit at all times
A kite can easily take off when the wind conditions are right effortlessly. John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Apart from the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing indeed. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, life is never the same as we can soar like an eagle and not waddle on the ground like the chick.
2. It is a meaningless act to chase after the wind.
There will be times where we are meant to be grounded - no kite flying! Times to just simply relax and be laid back and enjoy the blue sky and clouds or the stars at night. There is no point for us to run in the open pulling the kite along for a lift off. It is a draining & tedious effort!
Conclusion of the matter? Eccl12:13 -14
"Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil"
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