Sunday, September 26, 2010

20100926:Heb 1;7 ANGELS WINDS -Harnessing the wind

Heb1:7" He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire"

We heard of agriculture , hydroponics ,animal ,fish , prawn farms etc, but what about wind farms?

Have been pondering over the winds in the wake of the kite-flying. Actually wind farms are nothing new. The first was started in 1980s in the States I think. Man is always energy resource hungry. We tapped the rivers to make hydro-electricity. We dugged into the sea for the oil. We created solar panels to generate power. So harnessing the wind for the same energy is nothing new. But today, the meterological weather has changed. Some of the rivers of the world are dying up while others bursting its seams. Man has short term memory. The recent Deep Horizon Oil spill that happened just a few months back is no longer in our minds.

Renewable alternative energy! Well, few days ago, the world's largest offshore wind farm off England South Coast was officially opened. The Thanet Offshore Wind Farm consists of 100 wind turbines and will generate enough electricity for the equivalent of 200,000 UK households
Each wind turbine at the facility is up to 115 metres high. The wind farm covers an area of 35 square kilometres, around the size of 4,000 soccer fields. The cost of the project, funded in part by the UK Government, was approximately EUR 1 billion.The wind farm took just over two years to construct and will be in operation for at least 25 years.

So much money poured in just to harness the winds! Problem is that the winds blow wherever it pleases! (John 3:8) So whether the positive effects of this energy thing is yet to be really seen.

There is something about WINDS:-
  1. It is invisible - John 3:8 Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3 that "no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again" He is not referring to the physical birth but rather the invisible spirit birth - that awakening of our inner man - the Spirit man.
  2. It gives life - Ez 37 . Ezekiel prophesied and commanded the 4 winds to breathe into the slain and the dry bones came to life - a vast army
  3. It is angelic - Heb 1:7 God makes his angels winds. His messengers! The beauty of simply embracing yourself in the winds, letting them caress your face especially at the seaside!
  4. It is judgment -Rev7:1 4 angels, standing at 4 corners of the earth, holding back the 4 winds of the earth. Here in Rev 7, these 4 angels were given power to harm the land or the sea or the trees. Similar vision given to Daniel in Dan7;2. But they were asked to hold back judgement until another angel from the east with God's seal told them to delay until the seal on the foreheads of the servants of the Lord were put on. I believe this is the Glorious Return of our Lord Jesus as mentioned in Matt24:31and Mark11:27 "He will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heavens to the other"
No one can see God. Just like wind. But we can see the effects. God is Love. A small act of kindness can create ripples beyond our imagination. God made angels winds. But He made us to the flames of fire. The energy that never dies so long as we focused on Him. He is the source of our life. Do we know Him? Do we have that seal on our foreheads?
Open your heart to Him - to be born again, to be rejuvenated. God assigns to each of His precious child a guardian angel - to watch and protect us and seal us from the judgement to come.

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