Friday, July 15, 2011

20110715: DOG or GOD? Phi 1:21 To live is Christ

You' ve been working like a dog?

Why do people say 'you ve been working like a dog' when all dogs do is sit around all day and only get up to do one thing?
Its an old saying, old sayin because.. back in the day dogs were mainly used as working/guard dogs etc.

You didn't get as many dogs being pets they where used as workers, and worked for hours and hours doing things such as guarding, herding or killing. But the dogs of the present Singapore are different. They have good life - their personal grooming cost more than my hair cut ! (applies to 'high-class' dogs...and different kinds of dogs too lead different life, some are bought with a high price tag while others are born 'free')

So speaks of this photo taken only yesterday morning on the way to work along Alexandra road. I envied that golden retriever which was sitting and enjoying the car breeze in the red sporty topless car! I suddenly thought "How nice it was me instead!"

That led me to think what I was living for....rather be a dog than a human being? Guess this song says it all.

I love dogs. I used to talk to my late dog, a beautiful white Samoyed, in my teens. She was my pet companion who never slacked in giving me a morning call at my bedside for years. But back then I did not know God. But now, I talk not to dog but to God!

I make a vow
My life will always honour you

Whether I live or die
I belong to Him

He bore my sin
I owe this life to my saviour King

Hallelujah, I am not my own
You are in control

For me to live is christ
And to die is gain

No matter what price i pay
I choose to give this life away

Only by the cross I am saved

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