Tuesday, December 13, 2011

20121212-Rev21: No diamonds?

Exactly one month ago, I started on studying the new city wall 12 layers of precious foundation stones. So far, collected 3 of the 12 gemstones through the national geographic magazines.

I realised that Geology which is the science of studying the Earth - its origin, composition and revolution through time so fascinating. It can be divided into many branches and draws on related sciences such as physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology!

To have a better understanding of those precious gems mentioned int the coming city wall foundation, one has to understand the basic raw materials of geology! Which are minerals!

What exactly is a mineral? it is an element or compound made of 2 or more elements with a unique set of properties and usually with a regular crystal shape.  Many are of considerable economic significance and some are used as gemstones

The value of gemstones is determined by their scarcity and beauty, but it can be greatly enhanced by the cut and faceting. There are 3 main types of gemstones:-
1) The precious stones : Diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds ( hard and durable)
2) Semi-precious stones : Opal, jade, amethyst and quartz (not as hard)
3) The most rare and precious stones : Platinum and gold.

Interesting - most of these gemstones are classified according to their group types with attributes of differing hardness, density ,cleavage, fracture, colour, streak, lustre and flourescence.  Each having its own chemical formula. 

Why are diamonds not specially mentioned in the Rev 21?

Diamonds are the hardest mineral known on earth. Yet the recent discovery was that it is actually carbon based.
Perhaps that is the main reason why.....
However, diamonds are mentioned in Ex28:18 and 39. There were part of the ornaments on the garment of the priests. These 12 stones were according to the names of the children of Israel- like the engravings of a signet.  

The city to come in Rev 21 and the earlier tabernacle in Exodus - there is so much similarity. The wall had 12 gates, and the gates the 12 angels, and the names of the 12 tribes. And the wall had 12 foundations and in them the 12 apostles of the Lamb.

With such glory of God, could this not have been what the late Steve Job had seen at his death bed? He "oh wow" 3 times!

We man can be so fascinated with just one precious stone. Oh much much more in awe to see so many of them laid out in the new city that is to come?

AWESOME : Updated 25/3/2012 : Through my sister-in-law's email today!! THE ANSWER To why no diamonds in heaven!! AWESOME!!!

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