Thursday, April 12, 2012

20120410 HeBrews12 "Mdm M - Iron Lady :The Endurer & Overcomer"- The Story of my Life

Heb 12:2" Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith"

Today as I mediated on this last but one chapter of Hebrews, I liken myself to be a book whose author is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I decided to entitle this book as "Mdm M - Iron Lady : The Endurer and Overcomer"
God, the Father is my publisher of my book. The Holy Spirit is my illustrator.  Before the world began, I was already on God's mind. He had laid down the precise number of chapters of my life story.  He alone, knows when my last chapter would be. For some, He wrote only a first few chapters and then the book closed. For others, the book was rather thick. As for me, He has written more than half way through . Ha Ha. I am blessed.
TitleName of the book
AuthorPerson who writes the book
PublisherCompany who prints the book
IllustratorPerson who draws the picture for a book
PrefaceIntroduction to the book
Table of ContentsList of chapters with their page numbers

I may not be the Iron lady , like Margaret Thatcher or Aung San Su Kyi.  I am just a Mdm M, known by my heavenly Father. He wants me to be a woman of endurance on this earthly race - to run with patience the race that is set before me.  He wants me to lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset me.  He wants me to be like Jesus who endured the cross.  He wants me to be like Abraham in Heb 6:15 who patiently endured and then obtained the promise..

In my earlier blog, the Greek word for endurance is "hupomeno" meaning the hanging in power. In Revelation, the phrase "He that overcomes..will I grant to sit with me in my throne" If Jesus mentions the need to endure and overcome to the end, that means that could be seasons where some pages of my book may be torn out!  Mark 13:13 "but he that shall endures unto the end, the same will be saved" Pray that this will not happen! That He will glue back those torn pages if ever some got torn for some reason?

Pray that Phi 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ!
He is the finisher of my faith!
Perhaps Heb12 sums up :
The chapters of my life would include His chastening at times, His exhortation to have peace and holiness, to be diligent and be reminded of His grace and forgiveness and to remain steadfast and unshakeable when He shakes the earth and heaven and to serve Him with reverence and godly fear.

The bible is HisStory.
But this unique book is my story.
A song by Neil Diamond - the story of my life indeed. It begins and ends with You. May each chapter sings of You. May it share the story of our times - never letting go.......until the day I die, a close chapter of my life. May my name be found in your Book of Life. And then into a new city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem I come -  to see You face to face.

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