Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ps 121:5 ,7 The Lord is my keeper & preserver : A tale of 2 Comas and a lost and found notebook diary

Ps121: 5 The LORD is my keeper; the Lord is my shade upon my right hand
Ps121: 7 The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; he shall preserve your soul

A Lost and Found Notebook Diary

Last week something amazing happened.  That thursday when my father in law was suddenly admitted to ICU - my husband was perhaps so muddled headed that he did not even know he had "lost' his notebook until 7:15 evening that night when a good samaritan lady from the Guardian Pharmacy called!  Apparently, he left that notebook on top of the ATM machine and just walked off without it!  Another ATM user took it and brought it to the Guardian which was just next to the ATM. The kind lady Michelle hesitated to bring that to the police station, She decided to flip it, found the contact and thank God she called and we rushed down .  There were also shopping vouchers inside but all were intact.  (With a heart of gratitude we bought some biscuits and wrote a card of thanks to you few days later)

Perhaps the Lord did not want hubby to fret on the 'lost' . There was no point having us to be anxious about it. Having some loved one in ICU was already enough for the day! And it was found and returned to us at the end of the day.  So blur one can be but it was a night of thanksgiving for the Lord's keeping it safe and sound!

A Tale of 2 Comas

Just in a span of 1 month, had to pray for 2 coma people! The first was a friend's sister (in her 30s) in KL who suddenly went into a coma due to diabetic condition . For several days, she was in ICU- comatose. Decided to start a official prayer request on Fri afternoon for church and bravo , she awoken at about 3 pm the next day!

So sometime later, another case of a friend's colleague also in his 30s collapsed at home not too long after his initial discharge from the hospital due to a traffic accident.  With the recent answered prayer which was answered, I would have so much 'faith' that the Lord would repeat the answer!  Well, well...on the contrary...he died!

As I began to look back , I was still a little amazed nevertheless.  You see , my friend, was in the passenger seat when the accident at AYE/Clementi occurred in late August.  The truck driver which rammed into their van had his legs amputated.  My friend escaped with minor scratches, but his driver colleague had to be hospitalised for a few days.  To think that this colleague who subsequently re-admitted due to blood clot found in the brain and went into a coma and passing on within days was so shocking!  And there was even a more twist to this whole saga!

Guess with this , can only remember this beautiful Psalm 121.  The Lord is our Keeper! Amen!

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