Tuesday, November 4, 2014

20141013_WDIC#1_New York City

2 Cor 3:17 "Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty"

If you were asked what are the 5 things that come to your mind when New York City is mentioned, what would that be?

For me arriving on 13/10/14, my first trip to this east coast of America, they would be - Statue of Liberty, Central Park, WTC, Times Square-Broadway , Wall Street! And having read the David Wilkerson book on the last day back to red dot had made me appreciated more of NYC even more as back in 1950s, late David was led from Pennsylvania to this very city where his ministry started.

This is Central Park where we took a subway to mid of this park and strolled back to Rockefeller Plaza on Day 1. Central Park is huge - about 5 times bigger than our Botanic Gardens!

Here in Rockefellar Plaza- Top of the Rock looking ahead at the once tallest building in NYC- EMPIRE STATE Building. (But now with 1 WTC'Freedom Tower, ES is now second tallest)

This is Rockefellar Plaza.

So much 'liberty' in NYC that nude ladies came parading in Times Square!
And this is famous Times Square! "liberated with bright glitzy billboards lights at night!
So many theatres in Broadway and spoilt for choice of musicals! But we choose "Jersey Boys" About Frankie Vauli and the Four Seasons.  Awesome voices.
Selfie with Lady Liberty! She was a gift from France to America in 1886.

She represents the roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. 3 cheers to her torch with our tigers flasks. Her right hand held the tablet of law which inscribed that date of the American Declaration of Independence.

See the new tallest building in NYC? Before called Freedom Tower, now  One World Trade Centre or 1 WTC. Started construction in 2006 after twin towers fell. View from Liberty Island.

See the famous Wall Street bull? Hey! This reminded me of the golden calf that the people built while Moses went up to the mountain to meet God! Wall Street =$$$$$$$. Stock Exchange  Where is the bear??? 

This is one of the twin WTC. Horrible design with waters flowing into the centre black hole! 

Wished we had more time to visit the 9/11 Museum but lack of time and chatted with policeman instead.
Kind of depressing feeling walking around these 2 block of black holes.  The sight of water flowing into the other black hole simply add on to the sinking feeling.  Arrhhhh. So here was John trying to capture that rainbow in the hole!

Hooray! Thanks to God for that UPLIFTING rainbow first sighting! Brought some hope and better spirit in the soul!

See that half constructed Dove behind us?It is the new train station -called the Dove which will only be completed in 2015. Main train station with shopping malls.
See this building with charred exterior? Still bore the memories of the plane crash back on 11/9/2001

The newly constructed 1WTC, due to open officially around first week of Nov 2014
Up close and personal to this highest skyscrapper in NYC, 104 floors (ranking I think #4 tallest in the world) All these buildings are just a stone throw from THAT BULL!


So here ended Day 2 of the NYC stay before we headed to Boston the next day.
The NYC subways are pretty old and the streets of NYC is rather smelly as all the rubbish are always placed on the roadsides. Our subway ride from airport -Jamaica station - Penn station cost about USD15 /each.  Hotels in Mahattan are pretty expensive. Most metro subways and bus fares cost USD2-50  per ride on average.

Liberty and Freedom?
What is that definition?
NYC is indeed a very 'free' place. A place where there is no fear of freedom of expression.

Man - we are made with a free will to choose.  We are not made with robotic inplants controlled by a little chip.  We have a choice.

Just as this Lady Liberty photo was taken - the sun is right above her.

NYC is famous for the FINANCE hub! But Matt 6:24 reminds us that we cannot serve 2 masters. Either hate or love.. Else hold the one and despise the other. History showed us that the people sinned when they built the silly golden calf when Moses took a little break up to the mountain to meet God.  The people grew impatient and did what they thought was right. Made for themselves a golden calf to worship.  Their hearts were turned to something else.  That was a wrong choice.  

Lady Liberty had turned green.  Ever wonder why? Well, this trip I learnt that her copper had oxidized giving rise to the colour green! LOL.  Now we also know why the idiom came about "Green with envy?" Green - an association of envy, jelaousy and possessiveness.  This lady Liberty is the icon of NYC.  But may we never fall into her enticement to the material world .  Go for the immaterial world. The spiritual truth. 

2 Cor 3:17 "Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty"

God sent His Son. He died and He rose again. His body is no longer here in this world. But He had promised to give us His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.  He is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through the Son. And if the Son has set us free, we will be free indeed.  This is LIBERTY.  True liberty!  Simply believe. Choose wisely. Choose quickly because time does not wait for man. 

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