Saturday, February 28, 2015

20141025:WDIC#8 : White house & Pentagon.. About Earthly Presidents and Heavenly King

We have been to WHITE HOUSE!!! Oh Yeah!

And we witnessed a demonstration outside the White House...Freedom of Speech...
Just round the corner of White House
Just opposite the White House

And before we went to the White House, our Hop on and On bus took us round the Pentagon...can only see from the bus but not allowed to enter the compound...


The White House. Mmmmm. Looks not that big from the outside. 
Perhaps one day, will drop in to our very own Istana here at Red Dot. (Which is totally shielded from the public and guarded at the gates, unlike the White House which can be seen from the fence)

Presidents reside in such places like this White House or Istana.
But presidents come and go. 
Prov21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of whater; he turns it whithersoever he will
USA is currently seeing her 44th President under Obama and his salary is less than S$600,000.
Red Dot is seeing her 7th president under Dr Tony Tan and his salary is in the region of S$4,000,000.

God - YWHW - is the Eternal King who sits on the throne. He changes not.
Ps48:3 God is known in her palaces for a refuge.

Whom would you prefer to trust? Earthly president or the Heavenly Prince of Peace?

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