Saturday, June 20, 2015

20150615 : Micah's Mercy: DO or LOVE Mercy? From Trash to Triumph! Music - His love language

Micah 6:8" He has showed me, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of me; but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God?"

The strange case of Amos Yee in little red dot.....
It all began in late April 2015 when the spark was flamed shortly after the passing of the late LKY.
A 16-year old rant resulting to a series of unusual events at judicial court.
This saga kind of divided the nation at her prime of celebration of her 50th Jubilee-
muted by the death of a leader LKY in April 2015.
The 28th SEA games opening was also jaded by yet another death of 10 Singaporeans by the most unexpected earthquake in Kota Kinabalu on 29/5/2015.

And for the very first time, I heard the term called "Prisoner of Conscience" [ now Amnesty International is on the side of Amos as they are also of the view that this young lad is declared as a POC]
Defined as" the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right of wrong" 

We, human beings , are born with conscience.  It is part of God's given ability . We are not from the animal kingdom where we have the body and soul yet lacking in the spirit of conscience. It is this inner spirit prompting to lead us to understand the need for repentance when we know we have done wrong.  Even a little child knows guilt - it is inborn in all of us. The sense of morality is the same across all cultures- tribal third world to cities of first developed nations.   It is universal truth.

Reflections on Micah 6:8:
I used to equate that verse 'Mercy" to doing acts of mercy.
But recently , I realised I was wrong. It is not about 'doing acts of mercy' or "mercy relief works" which many NGOs or parachurch organisations or even religious organisations are doing.

The main difference is "LOVE mercy " Can we love mercy?
In the bible, there are so many verses on mercy and mercies.  His mercies are new everything.  I will sing of His mercies forever. YWHW is the God of mercy.(Eph2:4 says He is rich in mercy!) Even here in the Asian culture we have a similar Guan Yin called the Goddess of Mercy.

How many times in psalms that King David pleaded for mercy .  He understood and knew the character of   his God - one who will extends mercy to him who called unto Him -God not giving to us what we deserve. Mercy.

Conscience ,if not seared, would lead us to understand this important concept of mercy. Is that not what Micah was seeking for in the answer of what one should uphold in this life? Do Justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly before the Creator God? 

There was a group of hounds that went after a young Amos lad who did something that was yes a little vulgar.  Such that this case is now brought to our Courts of Justice.  Would justice prevail? Would mercy reign? Perhaps it is not about Amos.  But it is all about the heart of our society - the people's heart condition that is being revealed.

Before one goes to do acts of mercy or any humanitarian works, we have to examine our own hearts first.  Do we love mercy? Do we love the Lord with all of our hearts, soul, mind and strength? If justice is not met, do we rest in the our Most high Judge who would judge all works one day to come?

Having then received mercy from YWHW, would we only then be able to extend that mercy relief works that would bless His heart. But still, He desires that we will continue to Love Him first always. And will we - continue to walk humbly before our God?

We pray that we ourselves will not be our own prisoner of  conscience.  We can be set free by the One who had paid for our sin with His own life so that we can be free indeed. Grace.  God giving to us what we do not deserve. He is the Light of the world. Seek the Light. Light dispels the darkness. Darkness has to flee when the light comes.  In the present world of so much violence - not just humans on warpath but also the natural elements of volcanic eruptions and quakes - run run the Light of the world!

Here is an interesting "Mercy relief " work that had transformed trash to something beautiful. Someone said that music is His love language.  Believe it is true. The 7 notes of musical notes  - simple notes with the right tempo and beat - life can become a symphony ! 

Have a view of this youtube.  A good reminder. A tale of 2 cities.  Red dot has been greatly blessed. We produced more trash and rubbish nowadays due to the affluence of the society. We have become a foodie waster. We seemed to have progressed in quantum leap within the 50 years. But the Lord is still looking at the inward part.  Amos the minor prophet had spoken about the society injustices during his time. He is still speaking today. And trash? Can be turned into great musical instruments! With love and care, lives can still be transformed. 

From trash to triumph! Indeed!

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