Friday, October 2, 2015

20151002-Ezra : Moving Hearts and Crossing over

[Oct 2014: Bridge connecting to NY Island - towards JF Airport]
Ezra 1:5" Everyone whose heart God had moved - prepared to go up and build the house of the Lord"

Just finished reading the book of Ezra - 10 Chapters only.

What struck me was the verse in chapter 1:5. For anything to happen, God is the initiator - He is the one who moves the hearts of men.  Just as in John, we loved because he first loved us. Only which, are we prepared to take that step of faith to cross over.

One year back in the month of October, I recalled crossing over this bridge that was heading towards the JF New York Airport where we were supposed to head home after 2 weeks in the USA.  Witnessed the glorious sunset as we drove on this bridge as passover.

Ezra 6 recorded the completion of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Despite the frustration of Tattenai but thanks to King Darius' decree for the restoration of the temple to be rebuilt.
3 main highlights:-
1. Ezra 3 - for the foundation of the temple, they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. There was joy.
2. Ezra 4 - Enemies who came to oppose this rebuilding. But it is the resolve of the people to press in towards the rebuilding.
3. Ezra 6- the completion of the rebuilding, celebrating it with the Passover, yet another celebration of joy.

Ezra came into the scene in Chapter 7, 7 years that passed by since the rebuilding started.  He continued to shared about the sin of unfaithfulness and the  separation of the peoples around and their foreign wives.


1.When was the time where we once took the step to cross over to follow Christ?
(The bridge of cross that separate us from the great gulf of divide between heaven and earth)
2. Once having separated or set apart, have we continued to desire to seek the face of the Lord?

Perhaps it is time for us to rebuild the house of the Lord. Time to seek His face wholeheartedly had we been half-hearted. We may be in the world but we are not of the world!

(Oct 2014, Washington DC, Smithsonian Museum : Airspace)

And definitely not out of this world yet!

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