Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ps 53:5 Bones Scattering?

Ps 53:5 God scattered the bones of those who attacked you; you put them to shame, for God despised them

Psalm 53 V1 Started with King David lamenting "The fool says in his heart ,"There is no God".  They are corrupt and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good.

V2 God looks down from heavens on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand any who seek God.

But alas,
V3 Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.

V4- 5 talks about the evil doers.  Those who devour and does not call on God.

The Result : 
V5 God scattered the bones of those who attacked us!

Why God scattered not just the men, but he mentioned the bones of men????

A boney question of curiosity indeed!!
Any idea??

It is scary to fall into the hand of God - who despises the evil doers or even those who choose not to believe in the existence of a Creator God. 
Our God calls those who claims there is no God to be FOOLS!

Let us pray that we seek understanding and wisdom (Not to remain as a FOOL) and more importantly seek the One who created the Heavens and the Earth.(Not to deny the existence of a Creator God!)

Look at the creation of our unique body, the conception of a child in the womb, the formation of the foetus over the 9 months and child birth process.  Look at our body with 216 bones in its rightful place and angles and connectors for the amazing function that only the Creator God - the Master designer can create. Look at our brains.  Our body , soul and spirit.  Without the latter 2, we are merely just a useless shell or outer covering.  Our emotional make up tells us that we are not robots programmed to do what the programmer has written.  But we have a conscience and free will - to decide what is morally right or wrong and whether to see Him or not. And the awesome human free will to choose : to know Him & to return the love that He has shed on the cross for our sins. So now , we can come to Him - empty handed, fully surrendered, knowing that we are accepted and loved just as we are!

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