Thursday, March 17, 2016

20160315 - 惠 : Gen 3:8 YHWH original intention of the Garden

Gen 3:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed"

Happened to stumble across this chinese word "Hui" in the newspapers on 15/3/2016. It was an advert placed by a Chinese bank in little red dot.  In the same page where the Kangxi's seal of Heaven was written for auction in coming april 2016
Auction Brief: The sale is a testament to the vision of the Kangxi emperor. It includes two extremely rare and important Imperial seals from the period: a massive tanxiangmu seal carved with the characters jingtian qinmin (‘To respect Heaven and diligently serve the people’), one of a select number of seals that was carved under the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong; and a superbly carved soapstone seal carved with the characters yuanjian zhai, the name of the Emperor’s private library. It is one of an extremely rare group of seals carved with a dragon and tiger. Both seals are recorded in the Kangxi Baosou, a complete record of the Kangxi Emperor’s seals. Commissioned in 1781 by his grandson, the Qianlong Emperor, only two copies are known, of which one is preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing. Offered here is the only example in private hands, recording a total of one hundred and nineteen seals, providing deep insights into the principles and vision of the Kangxi Emperor. It is extremely rare to find any Kangxi Imperial seal in private hands, and an extraordinarily fortuitous event to assemble these three legacies of Kangxi Imperial rule in one sale.

Upon reading the auction  (starting price at S$2.7mio) of the Seal of the Mandate of Heaven - could not help by reflecting on this seal which read "Revere Heaven Serve thy People" - the mandate to rule.  Emperor Kangxi ruled Qing Dynasty from 1661 to 1722 - one of the longest and successful emperors then. 
And right below this article was the  - means "Benefit" : 
Why did the advertiser highlight the in 'green'?
Because it represent a green garden?
And suddenly my eyes saw something which I never realised before!My heart lept in joy! It was as if the Lord was speaking to me right in the face!

Our Benevolent Lord - He wanted us to "benefit' in the original intent of his awesome creation! Right in the beginning of Gen3:8, our Lord has already centred in his  heart , to place us in this garden ! The Garden of Eden is the Heavenly Paradise on earth!


The Bible begins His Story right in the Garden.  If only man had not sinned and disobeyed YWHW in the garden, mankind would not have had been chased out of that Garden.  Unfortunately, man always wanted a human king to rule over their heads. And history records of Kings and queens, Emperors and Empresses of the past.  The glories of the different dynasties  Not contented withYHWH who is enough.  So came the monarchies and authorities (democrats, republicans, socialists...) in governments of the nations. Even the Chinese understood the higher authority in theire reverence of a Heavenly King -above their own human emperors - shangdi 上帝。

Kingdom living is one where the rule of the King reigns in our hearts. Emperor Kangxi had the seal which is now going to be auction.  But our Heavenly King has given to us a better seal! The seal in which is the Holy Spirit ! 2 Cor 1:22 " He annointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come"

Man need not fear man except the fear of the Lord.

We are citizens of a heavenly Kingdom which cannot be shaken.  It is forever eternal.

I just renewed my passport 2 days back for another 5 years as the little book ran out of pages due to the many travels.

  • Have you gotten that passport into the Heavenly Kingdom?
  • Have you go that precious seal which $ money cannot buy?


For me, this word Hui was revelationary to me that morning! It popped out and spoke to my heart . I felt so blessed to know that His heart began in the Garden where all the beautiful animals and vegetation began. There will come a time where we shall return to the Garden again - when The Lord comes a second time on earth.

So, I am ready to go.  My passport is with me.

Heb 3:15 Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion

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