Tuesday, November 15, 2016

20161113-Rejoice with me; for I have found my.....Luke15

Luke 15:6 & 9 "Rejoice with me; for I have found ...which was lost"

Have you ever lost anything ? Panicked? Freaked out ? And then rejoicing when it was found?

Guess it happened to me last sunday 13/11/2016. The day where we wanted to be home early as my classmate was getting baptised that sunday morning. And we couldn't be late as we had to pick up 3 more people on route to church.  Unusually, my father in law had overslept that morning and so we decided to go to the market without him.

That was the beginning of woes!

  1. "Lost" our newspaper! (Never happened to us before when we place our papers at the hawker centre table while we get our food!)
  2. "Lost" - the bunch of keys (John thot it was lost but I had forgotten to inform him as he was away from the table chatting with an old man and I was happily chatting with the another old man who was partially blind and selling tissue papers. I left the table to do the marketing after informing John)
  3. "Lost" my mobile phone! (it was at the beef noodle store that I realised that my mobile was not with me when I wanted to contact John! Frantic,I threw my shopping bags to the store lady without taking my change due to the rush and shock!) 

But thanked God!
Met John and told him keys were with me.  And he told me he found the papers with the cleaning lady!  When we were at the car, we couldn't find the phone! At first ring, there was no sound coming from the car:(....my heart was so down.  In my head, I was already thinking how to call the telco to cancel the sim card....however, somehow, we decided to use John's phone to try a second attempt.  Wow! This time, that ring from the base of the seat brought great rejoicing! Oh my! 

Reading the parable of the Lost sheep, coin and son in Luke 15:-
Now I truly understood what it means to "REJOICE" !
If things weren't LOST, we won't appreciate what it means to FIND or FOUND
If things weren't LOST, we won't know what is sadness and what is joy.

And perhaps, I think I might have passed His test.  Not to fret about the lost phone.
But yes, thousands of things went through this little head of mine : What to do to report  LOST PHONE? The lost of tremendous phone data of contacts?...the list went on for that few seconds at the car.  Few seconds seemed minutes long to me.

But thank God! It was only for a few moments.  What made us try a second time when we could have walked away saddened was kind of spirit led to "try again".  And it was such a cry of relief to hear that ringing tone!

And guess what? When we arrived home, we found my dad in law sulking. For we left him behind behiund to do the marketing ourselves this fateful week! Our thoughts of allowing him to sleep a longer time was not appreciated.  For that, we ran off asap cos we had to catch the baptism!

Perhaps the events that sunday morning was really from the devil! Blame blame!
Afterall, who would have thot that the papers would disappear , keys and phone? LOL.  And having worked up late till 9:30am , my dad in law still insisted on going to the wet market! Oh my.  So he did - but not driven by us though as we were off to church!

Whatever, so glad to REJOICE after all that was thot to be "LOST"...an adventure
And , yes, I am glad I was once LOST but now am FOUND by Him who loves me so much!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

20161101 - Watch and Pray ?

Matt 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21 - the repeated exhortations to Watch & Pray!

In my previous blog of the blackout and the dark clouds and the recall of the parable of the virgins and the scramble for the candles and torchlights on that fateful memorable 25/10/2016 - In one line " We were just not prepared"

Not prepared for what? 
A electrical failure that caused the darkness in the house? A electrical fault to our MRT lines that made many late for work? A sudden hack of a virus that caused the phone lines to be down like Starhub? 

And for the Americans (yes it is Trumping now) - guess many were not prepared for the sudden turn of events in this weird Presidential Election which would definitely remain in the hearts of many and generations to come! HU!MA! Hu!Ma! HU!MA!

The heat of the elections is just a few days away.
Big Change Coming..Are you ready for this change?

Can you hear the trumpet rumbling sounds?

Time to wake up? Yeah Watch and Pray!

Perhaps the recent blackout was not coincidental.
From the darkness came the light - awake my soul, awake my soul
Many people from around the world are hearing the tuning of the trumpets - the rumble.
to those whose ears can hear and eyes to perceive....
It it TIME to wake up from slumber
He is coming sooner that we would have thought!

Mark 13:32 -37 " But of the day and that hour knows no man, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.  Take heed, watch and pray, for you know not the time is.  For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.  Watch you therefore; for you know not when the master of the house comes, at even or at midnight or at the cockcrowing or in the morning. Lest coming he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you you I say unto all. Watch"

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...