Friday, August 18, 2017

20170809-NDP52 & Mandai Bike connector & Rainbows!

29/7/17 Sat Rehearsal outing - before the actual 9/8/17- Nation 52
Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my Heart!

Watching the flypast of the planes and choppers
Sun setting at about 6pm past

Satay By the Gardens

The Highlight of this NDP52 - not the fireworks but the drones formation!

On 9/8/17 National Day - we decided to try out this new biking route from Lower Seletar Reservoir to Woodlands via the Mandai Park connector.

 Drove to Lower Seletar car park at about 9am  Set off at 9:30am
Got lost around Mandai Road after the Zoo....went past Kranji War Memorial & Sungei Buloh Wetlands......
Landed at Kranji MRT station at about 1 pm for lunch:( 
And then made our way back using the PCN brown signs from Causeway Point...

Back at 4:30pm!
What a long ride! Exhausted!

Fortunately had a beer and some wings at this prawn fishing place before calling it a day!

The best collection this NDP52?
The awesome rainbows sighted on 9/8/17 evening and 11/8/17 morning across cityhall!

Top Left : Compliments from S - captured from floating platform
Top Right : Compliments from C - Captured from plane coming into Red Dot
(above same rainbow from ground and above...)
Bottom Left : Compliments from YC - While daydreaming from his office window in the morning!

Rainbows - His Covenant of Love.
Even when we are faithless, He is faithful
2 Tim 2:13 "If we believe not, yet he abides faithful, he cannot deny himself"

Reflections of the Day

At this writing of the blog 18/8/17, we just witnessed the bashing in Charlottesville , Virginia of white nationalists.  Will red dot be spared of this kind of event happening in the future?  We too boast of the creed in our flag - "regardless of race, language and religion..." But ironically, there was a change in constitution that now called for a reserved Presidency that is only meant for Malay.  Worst still, the incumbent one chosen by the present party seemed to be dividing our little red dot even further due to the 'race' issue of Indian and Malay.

So much confusion even in the presidential identity.  Who is she? Who are we?

So much to ponder what exactly is race?
So much to comprehend where does language originate?
So much to think what exactly is a religion and the faith we belong?

HMM...Back to Genesis...In the beginning....Adam and Eve....the human race...the dispersion of man at the towel of Babel...the different babbling tongues of men...children of the world - red  and yellow , black and white (as we sang the children's song that Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world...we are precious in His Sight)

Alas, beneath the different skin pigmentation of all the humans in the face of this earth, the blood that gives each of us life is still RED.  May be O, A, B or AB - positive or negative - it is still RED!

So shall we remember : Heb 9:22 "And according to the Law, one may almost say all things are cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin"

For this reason, we remember Jesus Christ.  Why he had to die on the cross for our sins.
The little cute vertical rainbow captured on our nation's 52 and also the one across our city centre - is a potent reminder of His covenantal love for us.  Nations and tribes .
He rules and will continue to rule over the earth.
The earth is merely His footstool.
Kings and queens, PMs, Ministers and Presidents - are merely the stewards of governance of the countries they are in charged of. And pastors are merely hierlings of His precious flock (Ez34) There will come a time, where ALL - yes ALL- will stand before the Great White Throne to give an account of what is done. Rule justly, in mercy and humility.

Remember the Chief Shepherd.  He is our God. Ez33:31

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