Wednesday, November 22, 2017

20171115- Red Cross First Aid/ CPR & AED...FINALLY!

Attended Red Cross 3-Day First Aid with CPR & AED : 13/11/17 -15/11/17

It has been 6 months since that drowning encounter in Rottness , Perth.
Had set my mind to be equipped with some first aid, especially CPR techniques.
Though I never would wish to use it in any circumstances hopefully.  But, it is perhaps a skill which I thought it would be useful should I encounter another similar case in future .  That helpless scene at the beach haunted me for a while.  

So after 3 days of learning and practising & tests ...bandages (Arm Sling vs elevated slings & when to use with different types of fractures), CPR, use of AED and being aware of the standard procedures of basic first aid to choking, scalds, stings, fractures, burns, bleeds, non-breathing events, finally got the above certification which is valid for 2 years.

But as the instructor had reiterated, it is important to be bold to put that to the good use when circumstances arise.  And not to freak out!


Interestingly, our creator God has given to us some major organs like the heart and lungs.  Once the heart stopped beating within the critical time frame of 4 -6 minutes, the survival rate of the person diminishes.  The brain dies.

So until I attended this course did I appreciate the importance of time.

My pair of hands that is supposed to do the 30:2 compressions of 4-6cm deep is actually a critical "pump" on behalf of a non-beating heart for that non-breathing victim. And we are required to do at least 100-120 compressions per cycle - non stop.  And that is actually a pretty exhausting physical activity!

The Heart.  Our Breath.

I cannot even hold my breath for more than 1/2 a minute!


The Red Cross Symbol is actually a symbol of hope. So with this training which just ended, I pray that my pair of hands would become a hope to anyone in distress with cardiac arrest or choking in future.  

In Gen2:7 : The LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living thing.  (That is you and me)

In Job 33:4 : Job declared " The Spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life"

When Paul was passing by Athens in Acts 17:22, he found the people worshiping "an unknown God".

Are we ignorant or indecisive to believe there is such a Creator God who create humans and that He alone holds our breath and determines our days on earth?
The Human Heart is such a complicated organ - with the chambers and the valves and the arteries that drives the whole body into its being. It looks as if God is forever doing His CPR on us with the unique heart which He had wonderfully created..

Acts 17:24-26  "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is the Lord of heaven and earth, dwells not in temples made with hands.  Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed anything., seeing he gives to all life, and breath and all things.  And he has made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bound of their habitation"

Pause for a moment, my friends.  
Place your hand on your chest AND feel the pumping of your heart.
Place your three fingers on your left wrist or the upper left elbow and marvel at the consistent beats.

Have you ever wondered why you are still alive today now?

Well, Acts 17:28 -29 declares this wonder of life.  "For in him we live, and move, and have our being, as certain also of your own poets have said , For we are also his offspring. Foreasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like to gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device"

And I suggest that we shall not remain ignorant or indifferent or indecisive now. Listen to your beating heart.  
I pray that you would seek the Lord, feel after him and find him.  He is not far from us actually.

Because Acts 17:30 " And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent."

Time to resuscitate your "dead' heart with a heart of repentance? Time to inject the electric current of 160 joules  using your AED to allow the Holy Spirit to come through?

Now is the time. Wait no more.  Remember it only takes less than 6 min for your brain to die once your heart stops beating.  And you may never know when that beating heart of yours will actually stop its thumping!  And once you are brain dead, you will no longer be ignorant cos the brain cannot think anymore.  You need not decide cos you have lost your capability to make decisions.  You are no different from a living corpse!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

20171108 : John 2 : Trying out water into wine!

John 2 recorded the first miracle of Jesus at the marriage in Cana of Galilee.  He turned water into wine rather instantaneously!  Jesus simply told the servants to FILL the water pots with water and the next moment he told them to DRAW from it! Bravo! Out came the wine!

This miracle story often made me wonder how this could happen so fast.

Even before I started this test case of making my own Hakka wine (recipe from my MIL and youtube), wine making to me is a process of fermentation - it takes days if not weeks for a good wine to be produced!!!

And it is not a simple process.  It is pretty tedious Like this sequence of photos taken with my 1kg glutinous rice, rice wine yeast balls and red Hong Ju.

So what is the meaning of 'Miracle'? According to the Merriam , it means "an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs"

Well, Jesus turning water into wine is indeed a miracle.  My Hakka wine takes about a month for the 1 kg rice to produce a little bit of wine! Jesus short cut the entire process by seconds!

What does this trial wine making reminded me?

Hmm.  Jesus is indeed the Miracle Maker. He is Super Man. He came as ordinary man but He performed extraordinary events.  He is indeed who He declared Himself to be! The Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of man through the painful cross of death.

As the year 2017 comes to a close in another month time - it is a time of reflection once again. Christmas is a time of dine and wine.  It is also a time of thanksgiving to Him who came to give us this extraordinary gift of life.  


2/12/2017 : After 3 weeks...harvested this wine!
Verdict : Too sweet to many's liking...not enough wine taste!

So, I am going to tweek the above recipe by adding 1 litre of water to the pot after 4 days of fermantation as per advice by my Beijing neighbour!  Hope that would work better!

And with this remaining sweet wine, I am going to do the rice wine chicken instead!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

20171101- Post Trek Thoughts About "Being Prepared?"

Photo 13/10/2017 : 
The Rope of Help and Hope
The Trek Pole muddily poked
The leeches sucked and boots soaked
Out came the vinegar and cigarette smoke
Alas how well prepared were we for this little adventure?
Not that well but full of surprises and in the end we did cope!

The little poem above perhaps summarised it all as I reflected on this 'adventure' the 6 of us had!  Trekking up this Endau Rompin Selai Malaysia National Park was a real eye opener for all of us!

What is the meaning of prepare? 
It is simply to make ready.

What is the objective of this trek?
This trek was a test of our mental and physical stamina -from beginning to end.
The end of the reward was to witness the awesome waterfalls.

Were we prepared for this trek?
Perhaps 90% we were - gears and all.
But what we did not anticipate was the journey and obstacles we had to endure.
First was the muddy and narrow paths.
Then came the streams and little rocks
And the worst was the leeches encounter
Then came the ropes that made us go uphill and downhill!

Those who "PREPARED" themselves:-
  • John the Baptist PREPARED the way for the Lord Jesus- He was the voice of the one calling in the desert "Make straight the way for the Lord (John 1:23)
  • Abraham PREPARED his son Isaac as a burnt offering for God (Gen 22)
  • David PREPARED his only 5 smooth stones and sling to struck down Goliath to let the whole world know there is a God in Israel, for the battle belongs is the LORD's. (1 Sam17)
  • Esther PREPARED herself for 12 months of beauty treatments before presenting herself to the King
  • Ruth PREPARED to glean in the field and lay at Boaz's feet at the threshing floor to redeem herself and ended up with the amazing genealogy of David & Jesus Christ 
  • Mary who PREPARED her expensive nard perfume and washed Jesus' feet with her hair & perfume (John 12:3)
  • Even Jesus is PREPARING a place for us right now (John 14:3)
  • And God has PREPARED a city too for us (Heb11:16)
Like this trekking lesson,  Prov 24:27 reminded me of "Finishing my outdoor work and getting my fields ready, after that building my house"  Despite any obstacles that come my way, be it the climbs or the leeches and the mud, like Mat 24:13 , we "shall learn to endure unto the end, the same shall be saved"  Luke 12:47 is a stark reminder if we do not prepare well for His coming " And that servant, which knew his Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes"

The reward of soaking in the refreshing cool waterfalls was memorable.
The rope along the paths we trekked, provided great help and hope.
Such a physical reflection requires a spiritual evaluation of the same.


May the LORD prepare my heart , hand and feet.  Ready 24/7. Send me.
Luke 19:13 The parable of the 10 minas. Occupy till I come! Amen!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...