Tuesday, November 21, 2017

20171108 : John 2 : Trying out water into wine!

John 2 recorded the first miracle of Jesus at the marriage in Cana of Galilee.  He turned water into wine rather instantaneously!  Jesus simply told the servants to FILL the water pots with water and the next moment he told them to DRAW from it! Bravo! Out came the wine!

This miracle story often made me wonder how this could happen so fast.

Even before I started this test case of making my own Hakka wine (recipe from my MIL and youtube), wine making to me is a process of fermentation - it takes days if not weeks for a good wine to be produced!!!

And it is not a simple process.  It is pretty tedious Like this sequence of photos taken with my 1kg glutinous rice, rice wine yeast balls and red Hong Ju.

So what is the meaning of 'Miracle'? According to the Merriam , it means "an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs"

Well, Jesus turning water into wine is indeed a miracle.  My Hakka wine takes about a month for the 1 kg rice to produce a little bit of wine! Jesus short cut the entire process by seconds!

What does this trial wine making reminded me?

Hmm.  Jesus is indeed the Miracle Maker. He is Super Man. He came as ordinary man but He performed extraordinary events.  He is indeed who He declared Himself to be! The Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of man through the painful cross of death.

As the year 2017 comes to a close in another month time - it is a time of reflection once again. Christmas is a time of dine and wine.  It is also a time of thanksgiving to Him who came to give us this extraordinary gift of life.  


2/12/2017 : After 3 weeks...harvested this wine!
Verdict : Too sweet to many's liking...not enough wine taste!

So, I am going to tweek the above recipe by adding 1 litre of water to the pot after 4 days of fermantation as per advice by my Beijing neighbour!  Hope that would work better!

And with this remaining sweet wine, I am going to do the rice wine chicken instead!

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