Tuesday, December 12, 2017

20171212:: Christmas in 12 days time..thinking of the SUN

Photo taken on 7/12/17 about 7pm. Farrer Drive towards Leedon.  
A beautiful sunset glow.
Ps136:7 To him that made great lights for his mercy endures forever
The sun to rule by day; for his mercy endures forever

In the beginning of Genesis, in verse 3, God spoke light into existence.

And today, we know the sun is the star at the centre of the universe system.
It is the brightest star by apparent visual magnitude. (150,000,000 km from earth)
It is big.  1,390,000 km in diameter.
It is hot.
It is of huge mass.
It is a hot ball of glowing gases.
Its gravity holds the solar system together.
It has strong magnetic currents.

Without the interaction of this sun and our earth, we won't get our seasons, ocean currents, weather, climate and the radiation. Hmm.....

Thanks to the sun! That made that beautiful sunset glow which caught my eye last week.  Walking over the overhead bridge, I could't help but to pause for a moment to behold the beauty of that orange glow. 

Ps 136 is a psalm of "His mercy endures forever"
Merely 26 verses of "His mercy endures forever". Like the 26 alphabets, the alpha and omega-  the first and the last exalts us to give thanks unto the LORD (the God of heaven.. For He is good)  His mercy endures forever.

Indeed.To Him who made great lights, His mercy endures forever.

Decembers are known for her cool and rainy days.

But , without the sun, the days will be gloomy looking.

The sun rays are bright and gave us hope.

But alas, like all stars, the sun will someday run out of energy.

When the sun starts to die, it will swell so big and will engulf Mercury, Venus and  perhaps even Earth?

However, scientists predict the sun is a little less than halfway through its lifetime and will last another 6.5 billion years before it shrinks to a white dwarf.

When will that be?

For me, perhaps not in my lifetime.

I will probably be turned into ashes before this event of a diminishing sun.

Well, need to continue to look towards this Son instead all the time.

SO 12 more days to Christmas 2017. The Son of God, Jesus Christ - came for me some 2017 years ago.  We are the reason that He came and gave His life.

Guess, it is thanksgiving time.

For His mercy endures forever. Amen!

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