Tuesday, January 2, 2018

20180101-John10 : Angels at Cathedral of The Good Shepherd

Luke 2:13-14 : And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men"
Photo: 1/1/18 @ Cathedral of Good Shepherd

Still in the Christmas 2017 mood! But on New Year 2018 first night, we decided to take my MIL for a car ride to see the Orchard lights and ended up at this newly renovated Cathedral of Good Shepherd.

And I was so delighted to see those big lit up ANGELS! They were so beautiful to behold. Wished I could give them a hug but unfortunately I decided not to be 'shocked to death" in my thrill of joy:) They were literally angels of Lights..made of LED lights. LOL!

Angels with trumpets, violins and harps....

Smaller angels in the compound! But I love the tall hovering ones ! Ha Ha (looks more like my guardian angels alright - my Protector!"

This Cathedral has been recently restored and renovated.  At the side of the main building was an extension which housed the mock up display of the Navity.  Boy! It was excellently done up!

The perspective of this mock up with us overlooking it!

From actual mock up to a photo unto a decopauge! Pretty!

Remembering Luke 2:15 After the angels left, the shepherds went to Bethlehem And found Mary, Joseph and the babe Jesus lying in the manger.

Above the famous Michelangelo's Renaissance replica of Mary carrying Jesus who was crucified 33 years after his birth.  His death on the cross for mankind's sins.  "We are the reason that He gave His life"
Jesus came and His birth cuts our 'date"line from BC - Before Christ to AD (ANNO DOMINI - in latin : means "in the year of the Lord"), now 2018AD. This showed how significance His birth was to Historians. Even our present calendar noted it transcending across all cultures in the world. And unlike many who thought he was ang moh, he was actually not. He was middle eastern - his skin was more brown or yellow than white!

The main Cathedral and the inside pews.

Do angels exist? Oh yes they do! I would not be surprised if my guardian angel was with me on that night laughing at me for all the poses, short of the bear hugs!

It was my first time entering into this Cathedral. It bears a great name.

Good Shepherd!

One of Jesus' declarations : He is the Good Shepherd! That is in John 10. Besides the famous one whom He said that He is the Light of the World.

If we are living in a farmland with sheep and sheep dogs, we will probably understand John 10 better.  I came back feeling on top of the world that night. Awesome cool, serene & tranquil evening! I truly enjoyed the whole atmosphere.  The excellent mock up of the Navity was a bonus.

A nice start to a 2018 AD! In the Year of the Lord!

Thanking the Lord for John 10:-
  • v9   for being my door of my life and salvation and allowing me to find the pasture to lie on
  • V10 for granting me life abundantly
  • V11 for being the good shepherd by dying on the cross just for me
  • V13 for being not the hireling but my Shepherd who cares and protects me from the wolves.
  • V14 for knowing me just as I am
  • V15 for being so generous always in wanting to bring other sheep outside the fold to Himself (There are so many churches and denominations in this world, yet Jesus constantly reminded us "There shall be one fold and one shepherd" Pastors , preachers are hirelings, but we the sheep ought to keep on looking at the one and only ONE SHEPHERD- JESUS CHRIST. V18 - He has the power to lay it down, and he had the power to take it again. His death on the Cross, His resurrection - an empty tomb without the body, He is alive!"
Preach Christ or nothing: don't dispute or discuss except with your eye on the cross" Charles Spurgeon

So here is to a new year 2018, years may come and years may go...LOVE again always...Fixed on the Author of our life always!

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