Monday, October 28, 2019

20191026 Matt 13 : Parable of the Sower Came alive!

Rem the passion fruit planted at the fence on 25/5/19?
Was not growing until re-potted with different soil in Oct 2019!

Lesson Learnt:-
The soil at the fence was bad.  Stony, rocky and hard.  So the passion fruit plant hardly grew for the past 5 mths since May 19!

But barely 2 weeks after i re-potted them and moved it to the backyard, they had grown taller!

Reminded me of the parable of the sower! Matt 13.

Depending on the ground in which we sow, we reap accordingly!
  1. Wayside sowing - needless to say....eaten up straightaway
  2. Stony ground - Not much earth, no root , not deep so scorched by sun and withered away
  3. Thorns around - choked the good and hence cannot grow
  4. Good soil -like the organic compost which I bought to put the passion fruit plants in? It will grow!

Yes, like my french beans and bitter gourd vines - now I am into my second harvest of the 16 french beans (in 2 weeks) and another bitter gourd!  Getting fruitful!

I do understand the parable of the sower.  But nothing beats being a sower and watching the seeds grow.
It is no wonder why Jesus is often pointed out as a Gardener in the bible.

Had also observed this cucumber seedling sprouts on 8/10/19 thereabout.

Their heading towards the yet another lesson in life.

No matter what comes at us, we are reminded to look at the Son.  

He is the Gardener who sows, prunes and cause us to be fruitful.

He is the Vine, we are merely the branches.

Without Him, we are really nothing.

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