Monday, March 29, 2021

20210329-Woollerton Gate to Gallop Valley -Botanic Gardens

 29/3/2021 : Entering Gallop Valley Via Woollerton gate

Got a New White Hito Foldable 22" bike YESTERDAY.
now MY grey hITO Has Company!

7:30am New White Hito went for his maiden ride!

Arrived at Woollerton Gate in just minutes!

Hey, it is trumpet flowers in bloom all over little red dot now! yeah!

So on this second visit , I decided to capture all the various flowers in Gallop Valley area and the surroundings in the new Gallop Extension (opened early this month) 

That COMO adventure area brought back fond memories of our kampong game - Saga seeds! Remember playing with these little red seeds?

Er...This is not DURIAN ok?  It is Chempedak!

The walk via Woollerton into this Gallop Extension is winding but short to the B&W colonial houses.

The good part about this side of the entry point is that you get to gawk at the beautiful Good Class Bungalows along Gallop road!

Ok. Let's have some PERSPECTIVE!
  • No $ at all?- Government rental flats of 450sq ft available for rent at about $110 pm twin sharing.
  • Got some $ and old and single? - 500+sq ft Granny flats -S$160k above...
  • HDB flats - 900sq ft ranging from $350K to S$1mio now depending on location
  • And now...."Mr& Mrs Heido Lo" recently bought this GCB at Gallop Road for a whopping S$42mio!  Yes.  21,639 Sq ft! (S$1940 psf) only recently in Jan 2021!!

So, no $ to buy landed properties?  Just come and GAWK ....Here at Gallop Road...A feast for the eyes! Really! Really!

Oh we rode past RUMAH Malaysia, Gallop Road this morning! Extensive place! It is the Malaysian Association in Spore! Woseh!

Guess not bad for a morning quick exercise of bike and walk!
Complete with a Killiney Breaky at Serene Centre. 
If you are a Mac fan - McDonalds!

And if you are more "upmarket" - go for the mexican cafe...or just walked over to Cluny Court for a more "upperty" spreads...

Well, if 'not much spare cash" - BYO! Hot water and 3-in-1 KOPI and roti...sit in the Gardens! Spread your plastic picnic cover!   Muahaha!

Enjoy the moments of time! Yah!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

20210323- Enjoying a Walk at the Gallop Extension : Atbara and InVerturret Houses

 23/3/2021 : ATBARA HOUSE
@ 5 Gallop Road
Built 1898

“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands
Is 55:12


On 23/3/21 :
8:35am : Cycled from Home
8:50am : Arrived via Tyrsall Road to the newly opened Gallop Extension
10:50am : Home sweet home! (covering only the walk to the 2 houses and the internal exhibits) - No time to explore the COMO Adventure park for kids and the Gallop Valley Trail or the OCBC Arnoretum!)

Think they forgot to factor in the bike parking spaces! Pathetic 8 lots only for bike parking!

The walk to the 2 B&W colonial houses was pleasant.
Experiencing the 8 -Ha undulating terrain and enjoying the views of the "British colonial landscape" even though this is little RED DOT!

Gosh , the oldest B&W built more than 123 years in 1898!

Atbara House        - now A forest Discovery Centre
Inverturret House   - Now a Botanical At Gallery

I love Black and White Colonial Huses!!!!!

So beautiful to behold!

What a sight of the vast undulating land!

Enjoy this video!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...