Wednesday, March 24, 2021

20210323- Enjoying a Walk at the Gallop Extension : Atbara and InVerturret Houses

 23/3/2021 : ATBARA HOUSE
@ 5 Gallop Road
Built 1898

“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands
Is 55:12


On 23/3/21 :
8:35am : Cycled from Home
8:50am : Arrived via Tyrsall Road to the newly opened Gallop Extension
10:50am : Home sweet home! (covering only the walk to the 2 houses and the internal exhibits) - No time to explore the COMO Adventure park for kids and the Gallop Valley Trail or the OCBC Arnoretum!)

Think they forgot to factor in the bike parking spaces! Pathetic 8 lots only for bike parking!

The walk to the 2 B&W colonial houses was pleasant.
Experiencing the 8 -Ha undulating terrain and enjoying the views of the "British colonial landscape" even though this is little RED DOT!

Gosh , the oldest B&W built more than 123 years in 1898!

Atbara House        - now A forest Discovery Centre
Inverturret House   - Now a Botanical At Gallery

I love Black and White Colonial Huses!!!!!

So beautiful to behold!

What a sight of the vast undulating land!

Enjoy this video!

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