Monday, June 7, 2021

20210605_Bike Hong Lim Park & Tiong Bahru Flowers


5/6/2021 - A bike to Hong Lim Park via Alex PCN with stopover at Tiong Bahru Market

Simply love to see the flowers at Tiong Bahru!

And this was what GINGER flowers look like! Pretty!

And like animals, flowers go from cheap to expensive varieties!



The range of prices of flowers is a spectrum! And even puppies can be sold adopted FOC to purchase over several thousands of dollars! And humans can be born poor or rich, healthy or sick.

So life is never fair. 

But our Lord God is still just.

Whether the flower is cheap or expensive, we humans poor or rich, the rain still falls on us the same. Matt 5:45 "The rain falls on the just and the unjust" "He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good"

And as in all life, grass/ flowers, animals and us humans have a shelf life on earth.

I think we humans outlive the greens and animals by quite a long period if God willing to 70,80 or past 90.

But Isaiah 40:8 reminds us of the frailty of life and the importance of our spirit being. " The grass withers and the flowers fail, but the word of our God stands forever"

Reflection #1 : The Dead speak No More but what remains or left behind stuff do.
The Tiong Bahru flowers being admired on this sat morning was a poignant reminder of the transience of life.
Had just finished watching this recent K-drama with 10 episodes of the various life stories seen thru the eyes of a trauma cleaner called "Move To Heaven"  That was the name of the company of the trauma cleaner. They cleaned up the spaces of the deceased. And then the important documents etc were placed in a small yellow box -sealed to be handled over to the next of kin.
The 10 episodes showed that death happens anytime, anywhere. But not anyhow? Cos some are accidental while others are intentional.
So, fleeting life ended in a yellow box.  Nothing left.  Except perhaps MEMORIES for the left behind.

And looking through the stuff left behind by the deceased spoke volumes. If one cares to browse through.

The moral of the story? Hmm...... watch the drama. Rather thought provoking and emotional.


Bought our lunch pack at TB and we rode on to Hong Lim Park for our 'makan.  No choice as this is the P2HA period with no dine out except in parks or some open air.

The iconic HL Fountain!

Like what London had for her Hyde Park, Red dot had her Hong Lim Park.
The only precious park to "SPEAK out" with the valid permit for groups.

But alas this sat was so eerie quiet.  Many had been staying at home in fear of the variant virus B1617-2 Covid.  It mutated and spreading like wild fire.  So here we were  weathering out the 2 week lock down.  But thank God we still can go out in PAIRS. The max.

Reflection #2 : The Living's liberty of free speech!

The Speaker's corner is a good reminder of what a human has usually taken for granted.
Grass/ flowers or animals cannot speak.
So we thank God that we humans can!
But with spoken words, we are reminded of our individual's right and freedom of speech.  But in today's social media , group chats or posting for others comes with responsibility. Don't get UMBRAGE too easily, please.

Unfortunately, even though we can chose to air our differences in opinions, ie chose to disagree, we should not become people of dislike hurling unkind words to others when opinions at times go off tangent.

The truth is that people comes from different living situations, or culture.
There are many times in politics or events where there will always be 2 sides of a coin.

True news or Fake news?  Today we have quite a blurry world.
Hear out the 2 sides of the coin before coming to any conclusion or judgement.

But there is only on truth.  That is God's Word.

Some may not understand what black or white is.

Where there are many shades of black or white in the tune of 'greyness", our speech should remain kind at times, giving benefit of doubts to the other party. 
The spoken words or speech is something the Bible share a lot. 
Why, because the power in the tongue .  Can gives life or can kill. 

The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. Be careful with your words.

Por18:20-21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit"


The whole stretch of our Singapore River was very silent on this P2HA lockdown. Restaurants and cafes were closed for dine in.  Sad scene. 
Somehow, the humans - the soul and spirit are instrumental to the vibrancy of the environment.  Hence with few souls around, one can imagine.....

Thank God for not sending the rain on us on our way home.  We arrived home safely and dry, much to the amazement of our neighbour who told us about the heavy downpour a while ago! God is good. So we are thankful for not getting wet LOL!


Here is the summary video!

A litte Note ....

Because of Covid, there may be some who are feeling down and lonely, so may we encourage ourselves to be kind in our words and deeds to those whom God sends in our paths.

Flowers bring a cheer and light to humans.
Be that "flower" to someone today.

You may never know, that little act can stop the stranger from doing something foolish in that spur of the moment.

(P/S Was told of a recent suicide case last week near the block where we played pickleball. Sigh. And thanks to J for sharing about the meeting with a lonely elderly in the park near her home who chatted with her. Stranger)

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