Tuesday, January 25, 2022

202201Jan - DAVID- A man of Passion and Destiny [Charles Swindol]-A book Review


Finally finished this book on 22Jan2022 having started reading in early Jan.
Quite overwhelmed , encouraged and uplifted by this man - David.
24 chapters.
Let me see if I can get this summary of what was engraved in my heart as I gleaned from chapter to chapter.  The book of Samuel in the bible will be my reading this new year.

David may have lived centuries ago, but the things we can learnt from him are as current as this morning's sunrise (from our balcony)

David's Characteristics : Liken to HIS!
H- humble (in servanthood)
I- Integrity (in and behind man's watchful eyes)
S- Spiritual (in passion after God's heart)

God's method of training his servants :- (SOM)

It is not a romantic way of training . But rather one that is pretty SOMber!

S- Solitude (need to learn life's major lessons alone first)

O-Obscurity (need to be unknown, unseen, unappreciated and unapplauded )

M- Monotony (need to learn to be faithful in menial, insignificant, routine, regular, unexciting, daily tasks of life)

"God is looking at your town, your city, your neighbourhood and He's looking for His people to whom He can say ' You are mine. I want to use you there.  Because you proved yourself faithful there" In the year of 1020BC, all the attention was on the first king of Israel- King Saul.  But there was a "nobody" keeping sheep for his father on the Judean hillsides near Bethleham.  A little boy named David whom NOBODY noticed EXCEPT GOD!

Importance of Music in Ministry!

Martin Luther "Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise" Remember David - How God used the gift of music to put David into the very presence of the king's chamber. And the king not only found relief from his torment, he found love in his heart for the young shepherd boy whose music touched his soul.

Soft music for a hard heart.

Long before Genesis, the morning stars sang together. In revelation, we will sing unto Him.

Martin Luther believed that the Reformation was not complete until the saints of God has 2 things . Bible and a Hymnal.

The Spirit-filled saint is a song-filled saint! SING OUT! SING OUT!

David and the Dwarf!

  • Facing giants is an intimidating experience.
  • Doing battle is a lonely experience.
  • Trusting God is a stabalizing experience
  • Winning victories is a memorable experience.
At the end of the day - remember "The Battles is the Lord's"

David's Fantastic Friendship with Jonathon!
Important to know your true friends! Have more Jonathons!
  • An intimate friend is willing to sacrifice
  • An intimate friend is a loyal defence against others.
David's crutches and leaners
When David became more successful than Saul, God has to start removing his reliance on crutches!

  • He lost the crutch of his position, army commander
  • He lost the crutch of his wife, Michal
  • He lost the crutch of his annointed prophet, Samuel
  • He lost the crutch of his good friend, Jonathon
  • Finally he lost his SELF-RESPECT. ( imagine to feign madness in front of Achish King of Gath)
2 important leaning lessons (since crutches are substitutes for God):-
  1. Must learn to lean on Christ only, if we must lean on someone
  2. Never make an idol out of mate, children, position or possession!
David's Adullum Cave as his source of Refuge
From hunter to being hunted! You need a shelter! A listener! Someone who understands! You need a cave to duck into!
Everyone of us need a refuge at one point or so in our lives! WHY?
  • Because we are in distress or sorrow
  • Because we are sinful and guilt accuses us
  • Because we are surrounded by adversaries & misunderstandings assaults us.
Who is that refuge?
None other than Jesus. David's declaration "He is my strength, my mighty rock, my fortress, my stronghold, my high tower"
We can still find Him when we run into that cave.

David & the Cut-edge of Saul's Robe : Revenge Lessons
There is a 3-step process we go through when we want revenge:-
Injury --> Vulnerability --> Depravity
Mix the 3 above --> we get REVENGE
We saw this in David's life.
Saul did the injury --> David came to Saul at a vulnerable time-->David could have a depraved mind to plunge in the sword to kill Saul.

But David did not. He only cut the edge of Saul's robe.
"When life's most important subtle temptation attempts to draw you in, REFUSE to YIELD. You will never regret forgiving someone who doesn't deserve it"  VENGENCE belongs to GOD!

David & Anger Management -A NABAL Lesson!
Nabal means FOOL.
Nabal angered David. But he was saved by his wife Abigail who was wise!
In the end , Nabal still died 10 days later. And Abigail later became David's second wife.

So how do we deal with life's conflicts that may make on boil?
  1. Whatever you do when conflicts arise, BE WISE (don't be quick to jump to conclusion. Look both ways. Weigh the differences. Pray
  2. Take each conflict as it comes and handle it separately
  3. Whenever you realize that there's nothing you can do, WAIT. (refrain yourself from being hasty. Slow down
David learned this lesson well in Psalm 40. This psalm never says that David's situation change.  It says David CHANGED.  When you wait, you situation may not change, but you WILL.  The self discovery for the reason for the waiting was all for your benefit because you're the one who needed to change.

David's Dark Nights- Tumbling into the pits!
John Bunyan, while serving his third time in prison wrote the famous book 'The Pilgrim's progress" Like the Pilgrim who fell into the muddy hole called the Slough of Despond, there is no way where we can go through life without spending some time in the "pits"  Just like David, there will be DARK NIGHTS.

What caused the clouds of darkness in DAVID's life?
  1. His humanistic viewpoint (horizontal situation outlook)
  2. His pessimistic reasoning ("I will perish in the hand of Saul")
  3. His nationalistic logic ("I am going to die. Best to go to Philistia" where Saul cannot find him)
So David went to Gath! The hometown of Goliath! Bad decision! Long compromise! (end up in Gath for 16 months and he wrote ZERO psalms!) David's DESERTION & DEFECTION in those DARK nights. He lost his identity.  He went into a period of DISPLACEMENT & DISILLUSIONMENT. FINALLY INTO A DEPRESSION!

Dispair! Distressed?
After 16 months , David finally looked up to God "Help Me!"
Dark days call for right thinking and vertical focus.  It is designed to bring one to his knees so that one can look up!
1 Sam30:6 But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
So must we when we are going through dark times.

DEATH ! Epitaph. Obituary Eulogy
What do you think those who survive you will write as your epitaph? What will your obituary say? What words will be used in the eulogy to sum up your life?

Saul's epitaph was a SAD one. He was a king who could have been David's role MODEL and MENTOR, but instead became his MURDERER.
1 Sam 26 Saul said " I HAVE PLAYED THE FOOL" Saul neglected his godly friends. He disobeyed God. Covered up with religious excuses. Allowed jealousy and hatred to take mastery. Fights against God.  Turns away from God. Sought alternative spirits and beyond.  Foolish life. Tragic death in the hands of the Philistine. Mutilated body.

FB Meyer " This is the bitterest of all - to know that suffering need not have been; that it has resulted from indiscretion and inconsistency; that it is the harvest of one's sowing; that the vulture which feeds on the vitals is a nestling of one's won rearing.  Ah me! This is pain!

ANALOGY between Saul's death and Christ's death
  1. Saul's death appeared to be the end of all national hope. End of Israel (Christ's death appeared to be the end of all national and SPIRITUAL hope.  There is no Kingdom. We are finished!)
  2. Saul's death seemed to show that the adversary had won the final victory (When Christ died, it seemed as though the adversary of our souls had won. The Messiah is dead)
  3. Saul's death paved the way for David's enthronement for a new kingly lineage leading to the Messiah ( When Christ died, a whole new operation moved into action and set in motion our great SALVATION)
  4. Saul's death opened the opportunity for another who would not have otherwise have been included in  God's line of blessing, namely David. (Christ's death graciously opened the opportunity of salvation's blessing to the Gentiles)
  5. Saul's death ended an era of dissatisfaction and failure (Christ's death ended and era of LAW & GUILT, introducing an entirely new arrangement based on GRACE)
  6. Saul's death displayed the foolishness of man (Christ's death displayed, in human terms, the foolishness of God. People bruised and mocked Jesus. Nailed him to the cross.But that was the greatest miracle the world had ever known.  Because He lives. He was resurrected!)
Our death is an inescapable reality.  Like Saul and his sons, or even David, we are all going to die.  Therefore rather than denying death, why not comes to terms with it?
Have you done your will, your LPA or even AMD?
Sometimes, Death is sudden. Sometimes long and drawn out. But it comes.  There is no escape.

So back to the beginning of the question. 
What do you think those who survive you will write as your epitaph? What will your obituary say? What words will be used in the eulogy to sum up your life

2 Cor 4:16-18

David was about 30 when he became King - Pinnacle of his life
He was only 17 when God actually "Chose David His servant"
Between 17- 30 - he was hunted by Saul.
Then at 30, David became King and he reigned 40 years.(Judah 7 years 6Mths & 33 years over Judah and Jerusalem)

Our past is like an art gallery.  walking down those corridors of our memory is like walking through an art gallery.  On the walls are all our yesterday's pictures: our home, our childhood, our parents , our rearing, the heartaches, the difficulties , the joys and triumphs as well as the abuses and inequities of our life. But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

So David came from a fugitive to monarch.
At 30 after the death of Saul, David die not march directly to Jerusalem.
2 Sam2: He was in Hebron for 7 years and 6 months. But it was in this place that David made some decisions he lived to REGRET.

POLYGAMY - David had 6 children by 6 different wives! OOPS.
In Hebron, he had : Ahinoam/ Abigail/ Maach/ Haggith/ Abital& Eglah (plus Michal - his first wife)

OH Gosh! David had 21 sons and 1 daughter (excluding unnamed concubines and their offspring) David committed adultery with Bathsheba.  David had great success. To his people, David was king, judge and general, but to the nations around, he was the leading power in all the Near Eastern world - the mightiest monarch of the day. Hittites fell. Egypt collapsed. Philistines driven. Moab and Ammon conquered.

David's humanity

The king is still human.  David'S 3 MAIN FAILURES    :-
  • He became so involved in public pursuits that he lost control of his family.(produced prodigals- Absalom/ Ammon raped Tamar/ Adonnijah)
  • He indulged himself in extravagant extremes of passion (wives and concubines- adultery sin of Bathsheba)
  • he became a victim of self-sufficiency & pride (he telling Joab not to be insubordinate to him? Do what I say!
So there goes the saying. A warning to many leaders : 

2 Timeless Truths that outlive King David:-
  • No pursuit is more important than the cultivation of a godly family
  • No character trait is more needed than genuine integrity
3 Lasting lessons learned at David's Expense:-
  • Prosperity and ease are perilous times, not merely blessings
  • Gross sin is a culmination of a process, not a sudden act
  • Confession and repentance help heal a wound but they will never ease all the scars.
The only hope we have is DAILY DEPENDENCE on the Living GOD

David and the ARK
Acts13:22 "And after He (God) had removed him (Saul), He raised up David to be their king, concerning whom He also testified and said "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My heart, who will do all My will"

So this is the story of David. Not about him and Goliath, or Bathsheba, or Jonathon. What does God see in David? God saw David as a man after His Heart.

Am I a man or woman after God's heart just like King David?
David is a good reminder that no man is perfect.  All of us are humans.
But do I keep short accounts and return back to God quickly?
Do I have a heart that is hot after God?
Do I obey his precepts and honour his principles?

What is the main difference between a precept and a principle?
When you drive down the road and you see a sign "Speed limit 40km/hour" That's a PRECEPT.  It means 35km/Hr whether in the morning 3am or 3pm in afternoon, whether it is in an open road or school zone or rush hour traffic. The limit is 35km/hr. That is a precept; there is no give or take.

If the sign reads " DRIVE Carefully", that's a PRINCIPLE.  It means one speed in heavy traffic on PIE/ECP and it means something different on a deserted road out in Lim Chu Kang Road. You drive carefully in a certain way in traffic.  You drive carefully and another way on a deserted road.  That is a principle.  it needs to be applied with WISDOM.

When is comes to spiritual life, those who care after God in their hearts care as much about the PRINCIPLES as they do about the PRECEPTS. And when they come across a precept that is clearly delineated, they say" As I look at my life, I see that it is now like that precept.  I need to bring my life in line with that precept" And they do just that.  That was what David did. 2Sam 6.

David brought back the ARK to Jerusalem.  A man after God's heart.

Rememeber: Back in the days of David, the central place of worship was not the believer but the tabernacle.  Emphasis on the tabernacle under Saul drifted away.  The enemy had carted the ark away.  The loss of the Ark meant the presence of God had departed, because the Lord dwelt in His glory upon the ark of the covenant. The ark was so important that the Lord gave to Moses very specific details how to build it and made it portable so that the Israelites  could move the houde of God through the wilderness and into the land of Canaan as the central place of worship. And everywhere the ark was placed, God's glory rest there. The shechinah glory of God.

So when David took over the throne, he realised that there was NO ARK of the COVENANT! Spiritual walk of his people was mediocre, not hot after God.

But David was too pragmatic. He knew that in order for people worship- they need the ark!  To get it down quickly from the home of Abinadab, the quickest and best way was on cart! How wrong! The 2 sons of Abinadab, Uzzah and Ahio did just that! CART! But Uzzah reached out to steady the ark so it wouldn't fall. But it was irrelevance in God's sight. So Uzzah died! And David got the cheek to get angry with God at first. Then after Uzzah died, David became afraid! So the ark stayed at the house of Obed-Edom for a while. Finally David learnt the lesson on how to handle the ark.

The Ark : Made of wood. rectangle . Gold plated inside out. Got a cover. Chest top was a grate, a see through covering made of gold, called the mercy seat. 2 cherumbims facing each other at both ends. Inside the ark - a jar of manna, Aaron's rod and the tablets of stone.  at the base of 4 corners was a fixed ring of gold. To be carried by the Levites through gold plated poles on their shoulders.  CANNOT touch be human hands.

So minute details about the Ark.

So the lesson learnt: When we begin to care about the things God cares about, we become PEOPLE AFTER HIS HEART, and only than do we begin to have real freedom and real happiness.

2 sam 6 : David dancing before the Lord with all his might. (*when the ark finally came back to Jerusalem)

2 important application lessons:-
  1. The better you know where you stand with the Lord, the freer you can be.
  2. The freer you are before the Lord, the more confident you will become.
Be concerned with the fine prints in your life. It is not rocket science. Pay attention to the things that God considers IMPORTANT.  
Sweat the small stuff. 
  In one word? OBEY
This is what is means to be that man or woman "after God's heart"

David & His Broken Dream
The ark came back to Jerusalem. Finally.
But David was not satisfied. "It isn't fitting that the kind should live in this lovely cedar dwelling and the ark, the very presence of Hehovah himself , should be in a little tent out there. I will build a house for God. Iwant to build a temple in His honour."  God had never dwelt in a permanent house but David resolved to change that.

Do you have dreams? David had.  When in the peace time of his life, he talked about his dream to Nathan.  David had no ulterior motive. He had no selfish ambition. He had no desire to make a name for himself.  He just wanted to exalt no other name but God in building this house.

How are our dreams like?
Sometimes, the dream is from God; sometime it is not. Both are noble. Both are great resolves. Both are ideals.

BUT when it is not from God; it wont come to fulfillment, nor should it.

Was David wrong to begin with - wrong in thinking of building the temple?
It is not a question of being wrong.  It is a question of accepting God's "NO" and living with the mystery of His will.

Do you identify with David? Do you have dreams that crumbled at your feet? Empty handed.

Dreams . To some, He says "yes" To others "no"
in either case, the answer is best. Why? Because God's answers while surprising are NEVER WRONG.


David and Grace

What exactly is GRACE? Simply put - it is unmerited favor.

We learnt this big lesson from David. After he came on the throne.
He remembered his promise to his good friend Jonathon. And Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathon, the son of Saul - a crippled man.

David, the king, out of sheer love for Jonathon, demonstrated grace to his handicapped son.  Likewise, God , out of love for His Son, Jesus Christ, and the penalty He paid on the cross, demonstrates grace to the believing sinner.

Like Mephibosheth, we had nothing, deserved nothing, could not repay nothing.
Yet, David restored M from a place of barenness to a place of honour.
David adopted M into his family.
Likewise, we are also adopted into this spiritual family when we know Jesus Christ.  Becoming adopted sons and daughters of the MOst High King Ruler of this earth.


David and the Open Window Shade
How can a man like David- a man of God, a composer of psalms, faithful shepherd, a valiant warrior, a nation leader, a man of passion as well as compassion, FALL?

He was about 50. Had everything.  Yet, the sin of lust led to one sin after another. The sin of Bathsheba.  Sin always bears consequences. Hence we always need to take heed, whether we are in the 50s or 60s, teens or 20s, 30s or 40s. NO ONE is too young or ever gets too old to FALL.

Beware of the open window shade. Beware of temptation. Flee if necessary.
David lusted.
David panicked at Bathsheba pregnancy.
Uriah, B's hubby, unfortunately stayed strong.
Joab, his right hand man knew the evil intent of David.
David was in great pain as he wrote in Ps 32.

So it all started with the Open window shade.  And the sad dark chapter of David closed in in his life.

David and the Confrontation
Yes, David the great man of God, committed a series of terrible sin that led to terrible consequences.
At about 50 years of age, he committed adultery.
Secret sins stole the joy of out of him. David was miserable.

Then came Nathan.  Sent by God.  12 months later....Truth came to light. It was an incredible CONFRONTATION.

The famous 4 three letter word "YOU ARE THE MAN!"

Lesson of confrontation to be learnt?

Though the eras pass, though styles and lifestyle change, God's standard never changes. He is still holy.  He is still pure.  he still honours truths, even when it is difficult to declare.  But this is what He requires of His children.

Those who really care, care enough to CONFRONT.

David and family problems
A family in trouble is a common occurrence.
Can be EXTERNAL or INTERNAL creations.
And more often than not, external troubles tend to pull family together than separate them.
Not so when troubles come from within.

What are troubles that come from within?
Pressure, tension, abuse, neglect, unforgiveness, heartbreaking hatred, parents walking in the flesh or act foolishly, children responding in rebellion and disagreement and disharmony, friction between spouses.

Look at David's broken family.  Tragic. David and Absalom. His son usurping him as King.

"Tell me about your Dad" A note to all the dads out there.

A life principle in Gal 6:7-8 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.  For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption"


David's riding out of the Storm
How does this man of God ride out the storm of life?
  1. He Prayed.
  2. He faced to the consequences.
Storm riding is a lonely experience. It is a learning experience . It is a temporary experience.

Hang in there.

David and the Sheltering Trees
The poet Samuel taylor Coleridge once described friendshiop as "A SHELTERING Tree" 
Friends like great leafy trees, who spread themselves over friends, providing shade from the sun, a stand alongside with loneliness.

David had 5 sheltering trees:-2 Sam 15-19
  • Ittai the Gittite ( from Gath in 2 Samuel 15, enemy to friend)
  • Zadok and Abiathar (levites who carried the ark)
  • Hushai, the Archite (the spy for David in Absalom camp)
  • Shobi, Machir & Barzillai (provided food)
  • Joab (dared to confront David)
The words friends, friendly & friendship appear over 100x in the scriptures.

  1. Friends are not optional.  They are essential
  2. Friends are not automatic; they must be cultivated
  3. Friends are non-neutral; they impact our lives
  4. Friendships come in varying degrees; some play more significant roles than others.
What kind of friends do you have? Casual, Close and Intimate?
David had such a grove of such trees.  As a result, he was able to weather through the storms of life.


David & Forgiveness
Forgiveness comes in different forms : Conditional, Partial or Delayed.

David bore no grudge against Shimei (2 Sam 16)

  • David forgive a 'reptile' like Shimei. He kept his vertical focus clear.
  • David was very much aware of his own failures. (the humbled forgiven make good forgivers)
How to learn to forgive? TIPS!
  • Must cultivate a thick layer of skin
  • Try to understand where the offender is coming from
  • Recall times in our own life when we have needed forgiveness and then apply the same emotion.
  • Need to verbalise our forgiveness.
The typical human response to offense is to try all the wrong things:
Silence, resentment, grudge, indifference, plotting to maneurver and manipulate to get our offender in a vulnerable spot.

But we need a heart of full forgiveness and grace in our relationships - family , work , school, and church.

David's life in 4 themes
David sums up his life in 4 themes, four expressions that weave their way through Psalms
  1. When times are tough, God is our SECURITY
  2. When our days are dark , the Lord is our only LIGHT
  3. When our walk is weak , the Lord is our only STRENGTH
  4. When our future is foggy or fuzzy, the Lord is our only HOPE
Despite all David had been through, he was not bitter or resentful.
His grand finale in 2 sam 22
"Therefore i will give thanks to thee, O LORD , among the nations.
And I will sing praises to your name"
Sounds a familiar song?

This is a song of triumph! Sing it out loud!

David's Warning to all especially leaders
Age alone is no guarantee of maturity or freedom from error.
When a spiritual leader wanders from the things of God, the consequences are often devastating and always far reaching.  When men and women claim to model the message of Christ defect from that message, either by their actions or the statements that fall from their lips, they leave a destructive wake in the body of Christ.

Often those who fall hardest are those who have walked with God the longest.  Not until we are "with the Lord" will we be what we ought to be. Chinese saying " Bi Guan Din Lun - only until the coffin is sealed"

In 2 sam 24 : The account of the tragic ending of David - his numbering of his people which angered God. 1 Chron 21:7 so God struck Israel.

Interestingly, this is the only time in the Scripture where a person is given a chance to choose the consequences of following wrong.
  • 3 years of famine?
  • 3 months to be swept away before foes, while the sword of your enemies overtakes you?
  • 3 days of the sword of the Lord, even pestilence in the land and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout Israel.
David chose 3 days.  70,000 died.
Obedient David bought the land from Araunah - to build an altar to the Lord.  Plague finally stopped.

What can we learn from David?
  1. To live an unaccountable life is to flirt with danger.
  2. To ignore sin's consequences is to reject God's truth.
  3. To fail to take God seriously is to deny His Lordship.
If a great man & godly man like David can foul up his end days, so can anyone of us.  May the Lord help us.


David - the End of an Era

The death of David, the greatest king Israel ever had, marked the end of an era.The closing out of a period of time on earth that could never be duplicated. As great as Solomon became, he never took the place or equaled the reign of his father, David.  In the real sense, he both began and ended an era.

Acts 13:36
"For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, FELL ASLEEP, and was laid among his fathers, and underwent decay"

Everyone of us has a purpose for living.
David wanted to build the temple for God. But he did not.
Read 2 Chron 28

What did David tell his son Solomon?

"As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every intent of the thoughts.  If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, he will reject you forever"

The father to the son :
1.  Know the Lord.  Know the God of your father.
Why? Because David had gone through it all.
He had been king for more than 40 tumultuous years.
He knew the tyranny of the urgent.
He knew that the throne of israel was enough to keep a man busy that he would be tempted not to know God
So David impressed onto Solomon " Know God, my son.  Above all else,
get to know Him deeply..."

2. Serve the God of your father.
Do it wholeheartedly.
Do it willingly.
Hold nothing back

3. Seek the God of your father.
1 Chron 28-9-10
"if you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, he will reject you. Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be courageous and act"

That grand temple was David's dream. So he told Solomon about the construction of the temple.

Being a political leader is tough. Problems a many.

"Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed,for the LoRD God, my God , is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work
for the service of the house of the LORD is finished?

David interceded for the people he ruled over 40 years in 1 Chro 29:17-20.
And in V22 -25 "and the LORD highly exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel and bestowed on him royal majesty which had not been seen on any king before time in Israel."

David's final epitaph v28 "He died in a ripe old age, full of days, riches and honour! Good for you David!"

When a man of God dies, nothing of God dies. And when a man of God dies, none of God's principles die.

Oh David, what a life!
  • We learn hope, in spite of his humanity
  • We learn courage , even in the midst of his own fear
  • We learn encouragement and praise in the songs that grew our of his hours of despair
  • we learn forgiveness in his dark moments of sin
  • We learn the value of serving the purpose of God in our own generation , even though all our dreams may not be fulfilled.
Yes, thank you David, for showing us that we can be like you, man or woman of passion and destiny.  A man or woman after God's heart.


Sunday, January 23, 2022

202201Jan-Preparing for TIGER CNY! Muichellin airfry dishes!

Preparing to welcome HU! 2022.....


Drove past Chinatown...avoiding Omicron Crowds!

Trying out the Chinese Carrot Cake!
Not bad!

Finally got an AIR-Fryer!
Not bad too!

20220111_Bike Joo Chiat

Finding Everitt House!

Oh My! Joo chiat is such a changed place! But think best on foot than on bike!

It was a lovely ride from Fort @ east Coast to Joo chiat and back on 11/1/22!


Saturday, January 1, 2022

20220101- Pickleball is Peaceable & Praise-Worthy!


About 3 months back in Sep 2021, a first visit to this resident @ TH....

1. The Peace Offering Outreach
Recalling my blog in Sep 2021 on this first maiden visit. 


2. The Pickleball Play Invite
In mid Dec 2021, a few of us decided to pay another second visit with some christmas gifts contribution by some of us. The prayer and the pickleball invite to play!

3. The Praise Offering on Court!
And the Lord gave us a very good Christmas PRESENT with Mdm K coming to our court to meet us on 27th Dec 2021! And she tried and perhaps had some fun on the courts. 

Today as the 1st day of 1st month of 2022, I started reading this book "A man of Passion and Destiny - David" By Charles Swindoll - a christmas gift from J, new found pickleball friend.  She is a tam chiak and introduced several great eats around. She is an avid biker too and that kindred spirit was fired and charged. 

So I am thankful to be able to read this book in large print format.  What a relief to my aging eyes! 

If you were to ask me 3 months back, a simple confession here - we went with some fear and trepidation!  But it turned out pretty well instead!

Then came the urging of my sweet hubby.  That we need to make another visit before she moved to her new place. (Tanglin Halt flats had been en bloc years back .  However due to Covid, many residents were delayed in moving into their new flats around Margaret Drive or Dawson) 

So, Christmas in December was thought to be the best time for a second.  So we just did with again not much expectation.  We shared the Love of our Lord besides the pickleball! Pickles was perhaps the APPETIZER  dish.  Our MAIN dish was....

When she appeared in the courts on that glorious Monday, I thought I was served with the DESSERT! LOL!

Yes.  It was a great ending for me on 27th Dec 2021. It was a real JOY.


I stand in awe of Him.

Isaiah 65
  • He reveals Himself to those who did not ask for Him. He was found by those who did not seek Him. (V1)
  • Before they call, He will answer, whiilethey are still speaking, He will hear (V24)
J   - esus!
O  - thers
Y   - ourself

Yes, It was a complete meal in the last week of Dec 2021. 
A LOVE FEAST with the Lord. JOY indeed!
May He Increase and I continue to decrease.



2 Chron 20:15 “The battle is not yours, but God’s”

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...