Saturday, January 1, 2022

20220101- Pickleball is Peaceable & Praise-Worthy!


About 3 months back in Sep 2021, a first visit to this resident @ TH....

1. The Peace Offering Outreach
Recalling my blog in Sep 2021 on this first maiden visit.

2. The Pickleball Play Invite
In mid Dec 2021, a few of us decided to pay another second visit with some christmas gifts contribution by some of us. The prayer and the pickleball invite to play!

3. The Praise Offering on Court!
And the Lord gave us a very good Christmas PRESENT with Mdm K coming to our court to meet us on 27th Dec 2021! And she tried and perhaps had some fun on the courts. 

Today as the 1st day of 1st month of 2022, I started reading this book "A man of Passion and Destiny - David" By Charles Swindoll - a christmas gift from J, new found pickleball friend.  She is a tam chiak and introduced several great eats around. She is an avid biker too and that kindred spirit was fired and charged. 

So I am thankful to be able to read this book in large print format.  What a relief to my aging eyes! 

If you were to ask me 3 months back, a simple confession here - we went with some fear and trepidation!  But it turned out pretty well instead!

Then came the urging of my sweet hubby.  That we need to make another visit before she moved to her new place. (Tanglin Halt flats had been en bloc years back .  However due to Covid, many residents were delayed in moving into their new flats around Margaret Drive or Dawson) 

So, Christmas in December was thought to be the best time for a second.  So we just did with again not much expectation.  We shared the Love of our Lord besides the pickleball! Pickles was perhaps the APPETIZER  dish.  Our MAIN dish was....

When she appeared in the courts on that glorious Monday, I thought I was served with the DESSERT! LOL!

Yes.  It was a great ending for me on 27th Dec 2021. It was a real JOY.


I stand in awe of Him.

Isaiah 65
  • He reveals Himself to those who did not ask for Him. He was found by those who did not seek Him. (V1)
  • Before they call, He will answer, whiilethey are still speaking, He will hear (V24)
J   - esus!
O  - thers
Y   - ourself

Yes, It was a complete meal in the last week of Dec 2021. 
A LOVE FEAST with the Lord. JOY indeed!
May He Increase and I continue to decrease.



2 Chron 20:15 “The battle is not yours, but God’s”

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