Friday, May 13, 2022

20220513 _ A Bonia Bag that lasted 35 years

My 35 year old Bonia Bag!

Kind of fantastic.
My first bag which I bought when I got my first job back in 1987!
35 years later, still looking good! Muahaha!

Attended my ex-neighbour's daughter wedding this afternoon! So carried this Bonia to attend my very first Indian Wedding of my life!
It was so colorful and intricately plan.  Lots of Blink Blink!
Many ladies came in the blink blink sari! Beautiful!
Never wore one before.  
Afraid of it dropping off!
Perhaps, yes, one day I shall don on one!

Cute Door Gift!

Congrats Card!


When I was 22, I bought my first Bonia bag - made of leather! It was for work.
35 years later, brought it along to attend this first Indian wedding! Retired!
The bride whom I know since in her teens got married today!
About the same age back then when I got married too!


I have surpassed the 7 year itch more than 4 times over.
Yet it is still Work-In-Progress. Till death do us part.
IN heaven, there is no such marriage. Interesting right?

Love weddings. Love to see the lovely bride. A Joyous event.
Prefer this gatherings over funerals. 
Birth. Death. Even now such records are digitalised with no more issuance of cert.

It is 100% that all men will face death once born into this earth.
There is such a thing called physical death where the flesh is no more and to ash.
But there is another important part of the spiritual side. The eternal life aspect.
Where we can meet our spouse in the heavenly realm without the 'marriage' part.

Jesus.  The Groom.
He is Coming soon for His Bride.

Am I ready?
Are You Ready?

IN the midst of such chaos in the world today, Keep our eyes solely on Him.

Think He is surely coming back SOON.

Akang Datang.

Guess, nothing on earth lasts forever.  Even my Bonia bag. Nor my Body!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

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