Monday, February 20, 2023

20230220- Oceans and Seas Musings - Genesis 1 & Ps46

Photo taken at Sedeli Beach, Jason Bay in Johor on 16 FEB 2023

The winds were howling.
The seas were roaring.

Can you hear the roars of the waves?


Since coming back from Sedeli beach, I have been thinking about the oceans & seas.

There are 5 main oceans in our world- Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic & the Southern Ocean off the Antartic.

Pacific is the largest! Covers more than 30% of the earth. Smallest being the Artic.  But all the 5 made up 71% of earth!

Many scientists today have theories of the origin of Earth's water. Ranging from melted comets, inside earth or even asteroids. That came about 4 billion years back! Some are salt whereas some are fresh water!


Genesis 1 !
Day 2 :God separated water beneath heaven. Land appeared called earth and the pooled water Ocean!
Day 4 God spoke "Swarm Ocean with fish and all sea life"

Psalms 46
is where we read about the rush and the roar of the oceans.

There is a little difference between oceans and seas. 
Well, seas is a subset of oceans -  Flanked usually by land.

I used to wonder why the oceans are 'glued to the round earth" The waters never seemed to spill off.
The depths of the oceans can be more than 3000km . Yet I only dive a mere 10m deep in my previous scuba dive.
There are still so many mysteries in the deep deep dark ocean.
We man are not able to explore as yet. 
The sea creatures are beautiful and fascinating - displayed in techno colours.

Finally thots...

God is really our present help in trouble . Ps 46:1
He is the Creative God who made the oceans in the second day of Creation.

We have been told to lift up our eyes to the Heaven, from whence our help comes from.
But we can also shut our eyes at the beach and hear the oceans roar.
To remind ourselves that indeed our God is also our present help in times of trouble.
Jesus walked on water.
He calmed the stormy sea.

He is the God of the Impossible.

By faith we come to Him.
As the oceans roar, we bow in awe.



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